Choosing the right Airlock Gateway integration guide
If you use Unblu in conjunction with the Airlock Gateway, the steps you must take to configure Airlock vary depending on how you’re using Unblu. Because of this, there are three different guides to integrating Unblu with the Airlock Gateway:
Answer the questions below to decide which of the integration guides you need to follow.
Do you run Unblu on-premises, or do you use the Unblu Cloud?
If you run Unblu on-premises, proceed to the next question.
If you use the Unblu Cloud, follow guide 3.
Do you use Unblu’s embedded co-browsing feature on your website?
If you answered "no", use guide 1.
If your answer’s "yes", proceed to the next question.
Do parts of the website your organization wants to use embedded co-browsing on have access restrictions? For example, do users have to log in to access the website?
If your answer’s "no", proceed to the next question.
If you answered "yes", are some web resources—CSS files, web fonts, images and the like—only accessible once users log in?
If your answer’s "no", proceed to the next question.
If you answered "yes" again, some resources are protected and you probably need to follow guide 2. Confirm this with your project manager before you proceed.
Is the website you’re using embedded co-browsing the same for all users? For example, are the images that visitors see accessible to agents, too?
You should now know which integration guide to follow so that Unblu will work with your Airlock Gateway. If you’re still unsure which guide is the right one for your use case, contact Unblu.
See also
For more information on the Airlock Gateway, refer to the Airlock Secure Access Hub and the hardware requirements.
For more information on how Unblu deals with protected resources that aren’t available to all users, refer to Resource history.