Routing strategy configuration
By default, the routing strategy Unblu uses for its UIs is a hash location strategy. With this strategy, the specific details of a URL are in the fragment of the URL. In the example below, the part of the route pointing to a specific conversation is after the #
The hash location strategy lets older browsers perform client-side redirects by manipulating the fragment of the URL. If you need to redirect the person calling the URL before granting them access, however, the strategy is problematic. Since the fragment is never transmitted to the server, it’s lost as a result of the redirect, and the user can’t be redirected to the original URL after redirecting.
Modern browsers provide APIs that let you change the path of the normal URL without triggering a reload of the page. There are three configuration properties to tell Unblu to use a path location strategy when constructing URLs:
com.unblu.entrypoint.locationstrategy.agentWebLocationStrategy affects the URLs for the Agent Desk and Single Conversation Desk.
com.unblu.entrypoint.locationstrategy.configLocationStrategy affects the URLs for the Account Configuration and Global Server Configuration interfaces.
com.unblu.entrypoint.locationstrategy.recordingLocationStrategy affects the URLs for the Recording and Audio Recording entry points.
The configuration properties affect the URLs returned by the Unblu web API as well.
If you change these configuration properties, old URLs—bookmarks, for example—no longer work. |