Setting up PostgreSQL for Unblu
To create the unblu
database and users on PostgreSQL, run the following commands:
Listing 1. Create the
database and users
create database unblu;
-- activate database: \c unblu
create user unblu with password '<user-pwd>';
create user unblu_admin with password '<admin-pwd>';
grant usage, create on schema public to unblu_admin;
-- run as unblu_admin
alter default privileges for user unblu_admin in schema public grant select, update, insert, delete on tables to unblu;
alter default privileges for user unblu_admin in schema public grant usage, select on sequences to unblu;
Next, configure Unblu to use your PostgreSQL database. The example configuration below connects to the database unblu
and relies on the default schema public
, which you don’t need to create.
Listing 2. Unblu PostgreSQL configuration\:postgresql\://<server>\:5432/unblu (1)<user-pwd> (2)<admin-pwd> (3)
1 | Replace <server> with your database hostname or IP address. |
2 | Replace <user-pwd> with the password of the unblu user. |
3 | Replace <admin-pwd> with the password of the unblu_admin user. |
Transparent encrypted SSL connection
This additional configuration property enables the connection to use SSL encryption (connecting a SSL-enabled database):
Listing 3. Unblu PostgreSQL SSL configuration\
sslrootcert\=path/to/root-ca.pem.crt,\ (1)
sslcert\=path/to/client-cert.pem.crt,\ (1)
sslkey\=path/to/client-key.pem.pk8 (1)
1 | Replace the values with valid paths and filenames |
Your certificates must be binary DER encoded, and the key file must be a binary DER encoded key (for example PKCS #8). You can convert PEM files to the PKCS #8 format as follows:
Listing 4. Commands to convert PEM files to PKCS #8
# Create key file
openssl pkcs8 -topk8 \
-in KEY_FILE.pem -inform pem \
-out KEY_FILE.pem.pk8 -outform der \ -nocrypt
# Create certificate file
openssl x509 \
-in CERT_FILE.pem \
-out CERT_FILE.pem.crt -outform DER
For more information on PostgreSQL encryption options, refer to the "Encryption Options" section of the PostgreSQL documentation.