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Author: Javier Puga
Secure instant messaging in banking

Convenience vs. compliance: Secure instant messaging in the financial services industry

Convenience vs. compliance – secure instant messaging shouldn't be one or the other in the financial services industry.
Private Banking, Secure Messenger, Unblu Platform, Wealth Management

The top 3 ways to drive revenue through excellent customer service 

Do you consider your customer service to be an expense – or a source of revenue? Turn your customer service center into a profit machine.
Customer service, Insurance, Retail Banking, Secure Messenger

Diagnose and fix common chat channel issues for enhanced service success

Launching and maintaining a successful chat channel isn’t without its challenges.
Chatbots, Customer service, Live Chat, Retail Banking

What financial institutions should know about Co-Browsing

Unlike screen-sharing, co-browsing only shares the web or mobile application – so the customer's data is never compromised.
Co-Browsing, Conversational Banking

What is Co-Browsing? Different types and use cases

Co-browsing is helping banks to improve their customer service, increase their sales and promote customer engagement.
Co-Browsing, Conversational Banking

The 3 essential decisions you must make to launch a successful chat program

Discover the most important aspects that customer service leaders need to keep in mind with this Forrester report.
Live Chat, Retail Banking, Secure Messenger

How to drive conversions from your bank’s website with Unblu Co-Browsing

Looking to drive conversions from your bank’s website? Unblu Co-Browsing can help leverage the moment of truth.
Co-Browsing, Conversational Banking, Customer Experience

Why is corporate banking struggling to achieve digital transformation?

Most financial institutions are making progress in their transformation initiatives. Why is digital corporate banking proving so difficult to achieve?
Conversational Banking, Customer Experience, Digital Transformation

Co-Browsing best practices to improve customer experience

Leveraging Co-Browsing best practices can take your customer service experience to the next level and increase profit as a result.
Co-Browsing, Conversational Banking, Unblu Platform

The difference between Co-Browsing and Screen Sharing

Co-Browsing vs. screen sharing – while similar, Co-Browsing offers financial institutions a more collaborative and safer experience.
Co-Browsing, Conversational Banking, Unblu Platform