Talk to Bruce

Collaborate on documents together

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Real-time collaboration

Get download-free access to collaborate in real- time on all comment document types, such as PDF, Word, Excel, and more.

Naturally collaborative

Ensure maximum comprehension with Co-Browsing collaborative tools including markers, annotations, highlighting, and comments.

Secure exchange file sharing

Both agents and customers can enjoy complete peace of mind for secure document management and exchange during conversations.

The first place you look

Not only are ongoing interactions stored in a single thread, but you can view all previously uploaded files in a centralized location.

Flexi-file save

Upload the updated file to the conversation for future reference or save a local copy – with or without comments and mark-ups.

Side-by-side signing support

Remain with your customer throughout the signing process thanks to in-built signature capabilities with a shared view for both agent and visitor.

All above board

Unblu signatures are compliant and convenient, mimicking the in-person experience of signing documents.

Manage the source of truth

Select and send documents while managing the source of truth in a centralized repository, whether your ECM, CRM, or more.

Signature solution of your choice

Have an existing digital signature solution? Seamlessly integrate and sign with ease – directly from the conversation.

Interaction Management Hub
Conversational AI
Secure Messenger
Video & Voice
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