Remain relevant for your customers

Secure Messenger provides an unobtrusive, asynchronous, secure way for providing an ongoing conversation with clients. Our messenger allows financial institutions to connect with customers in a format they know well—texting.
What is Secure Text Messaging?

Secure Messenger is a natural expansion of the pervasive texting experience—and customers are asking for it. Secure Messenger is part of the Unblu platform that is helping banks close the digital gap.

Whether a customer needs help with a transaction or wants more of a personal touch with investing, Secure Messenger is one more tool that empowers an advisor to guide them efficiently through transactions and provide relevant and personal advice. Our Secure text messaging solution helps banks to provide the WhatsApp texting experience whilst remaining compliant. Designed to meet the needs of a secure and compliant Relationship Manager (RM)/ Client conversation and collaboration session, it can be easily integrated into mobile native or browser-based applications. After the customer has passed through the bank’s security procedures, their conversations with the bank/insurer are available to them. The RM can login to the Unblu Agent Desk (locally or with SSO) or into their dedicated RM app (with our Agent SDK installed) and exchange messages freely with their clients.

Why Secure Messaging should be a priority for banks

If banks are to leverage the opportunities for conversations that are hiding in the omnichannel experience, they first need to do some soul-searching. To genuinely create customer-centric journeys and experiences, banks have to reorient to the question of why they exist. Customers’ wants and needs have to be at the heart of digital strategy and all activity. Rather than selling products and services, banks need to switch gears and create helpful and memorable experiences for customers. Conversations can’t be focused on pushing lending products. Instead, banks need to focus on how to help customers manage their finances and get ahead and consistently demonstrate a true interest in their customers’ financial well-being. Adding the text messaging experience to your digital customer journey will genuinely improve banks ability to connect with customers, partner with them, and make your customer conversations more meaningful.

Benefits of Secure Text Messaging
Remove barriers to interaction and provide a seamless experience

Text messaging allows banks to be available for their customers when they need you. Customers In markets with high competition, where differentiation by products and offerings is sometimes complicated, caring for the user experience is crucial to increase the perceived quality of the overall service provided.

Foster customer trust, deliver value and remain relevant

Customers need to feel that their RM or advisor has their best interests at heart, is going beyond process, and is responding immediately to a need for empathy or remediation. It is important to balance trust and continuity with new ways of customer engagement through technology.

Leverage digital for productivity and boost transactions

Target client communications and concentrate on more valuable actions such as face-to-face engagement. With Secure Messenger, the bank has the opportunity to interact with customers who are unavailable through other traditional channels (such as the telephone); as the advisor builds more a more trusting relationship, they can create more trusted touchpoints and contacts that will eventually turn into more business opportunities.

Why Unblu Messaging is becoming the standard in the financial industry?

Unblu is Secure Messenger with superpowers

The Secure Messenger features seamlessly work together with co-browsingvideo, and voice call, and can be added to the conversation when the time is right. By bringing all these elements together – enhancing the conversation with visuals, sharing research documents and having the ability to see each one another – the quality of a client’s experience increases exponentially. These improved, more frequent interactions go hand-in-hand with increasing transactions. Using tools like Secure Messenger, the relationship manager can now leverage the customer’s moment of truth and be available at the right moment to drive it home. Secure text messenger capabilities are even better when combined with:

Texting is fine but sometimes customers need a better engagement

Collaborate with your customers on the website, portal or application.

Share and guide customers through complex documentation.

Unblu Secure Messenger integrates into third-party messaging solutions

Because live can be complex, the text messaging solution you implement should have the ability to connect with customers via their favorite social messaging applications like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, or Viber.

That’s special challenging in domains such as financial services where the regulation is strict. In Unblu we allow our customers to integrate our solution with your customer’s preferred channel, and centralize all the request at a central point for your agents and RM. Thanks to our business APIs, our clients manage all communications with customers through a single application. Our Business Logic Engine reads through the request and connects the customer to the right person or team.


Example of our WhatsApp Integration

Unblu Secure Messenger is highly Secure and Compliant

Unblu exceeds every security requirement for the banking and financial industry and guarantees protection of your information Our customers keep total control over the communications between customers and their staff. All the communications are recorded, encrypted and stored safely.

Cloud or on-premises

We support both deployments. Our financial cloud is fully ISO 27001: 2013 certified and it is compliant with the FINMA Guidelines of Circular 2008/7 and of the SFBC Circular 2005/2 No. 87.

Single sign-on (SSO) for web and mobile

Unblu uses existing authentication mechanisms already in place in the on premise infrastructure of the customer.

SSL Encryption

All Unblu communication is secured through https. On premise, Unblu is architected to leverage existing security infrastructure (WAF, Reverse Proxy) and functions behind the SSL termination of an e-banking environment.

Secure archiving

The structural information, along with any messenger data (text, media, files), of every Conversation is stored in a database, which can be extracted using the Unblu Web API to be archived.

Video and voice recording

Audio and video conversations are an integrated feature of Unblu. They are conducted through built in Browser Capability leveraging WebRTC. Video sessions are encrypted end to end and can be recorded. Recordings can be encrypted using a public/private key pair.

More about Secure Text Messenger
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