This document describes version 6 of Unblu. If you’re using the latest major version of Unblu, go to the documentation of the latest version. The support period for version 6 ended on 29 August 2023. We no longer provide support or updates for this version. You should upgrade to the latest version of Unblu. |
This article describes how to use the utransfer
Setting up a test or staging environment can require a great deal of effort. Unblu contains numerous configuration properties and text properties that allow you to customize it to meet your needs. You probably also created entities such as conversation templates, named areas, and teams that are similar or even identical to the ones you want to use in production.
It would therefore be helpful if, when the time comes to put Unblu into production, you were able to transfer as many settings as possible to the new environment. However, this is not as straightforward as you might think:
The account and global server configuration interfaces offer ways to export the configuration and text properties that you customized. But Unblu accounts also have other attributes, such as a name or an avatar, as well as metadata associated with them, that cannot be exported via the configuration interfaces.
The Web API’s
endpoints with the appropriateexpand
query parameter provides a means to export a JSON representation of an entity or set of entities, but there are no corresponding endpoints to reimport the JSON into an account. -
Entities are interrelated. For example, a user may be a member of a particular team, or a conversation template may be linked to a particular named area. These relationships are expressed using references based on entity IDs, which are specific to a setup and connot be transferred.
solves these issues.
What is utransfer
In a nutshell, utransfer
is a utility to transfer entities and configurations from one Unblu account to another. It relies in part on the Unblu Web API, but includes additional features such as ID modification and filtering.
You can:
Export data from an account to multiple JSON files, zipped JSON files, or a single JSON file
Import data from exports into one or more accounts on one or more servers
Export and import global configuration properties and text properties if you provide superadministrator credentials
For transfers between Unblu 6 accounts, utransfer
uses version 3 of the Unblu Web API. Versions for transfers between Unblu 5 accounts use version 2 of the Unblu Web API.
It is not possible to transfer entities between two different major versions of Unblu. |
We strongly recommend that you use the most recent version of utransfer
for the major version that corresponds with your server installation, although it is not a strict requirement. For example, you can transfer entities from an installation of Unblu 5.13.1 to an installation of Unblu 5.23.3 using version 5.22.1 of utransfer
If you are using Java 11, use at least version 6.5.1 of utransfer . |
The utransfer
The utransfer
command line interface (CLI) comes bundled as a JAR file. Running the JAR file with the --help
option provides an overview of the options available:
with the --help
$ java -jar <name-of-utransfer-jar-file>.jar --help (1)
Usage: utransfer [-hjkVz] [--fromNoAuth] [--keepApiKeys] [--noAuth]
[--toNoAuth] [--fromAccount=<fromAccountId>]
[--fromAdmin=<fromAdmin>] [--fromPassword=<fromPassword>]
[--idConversion=<idConversionStrategy>] [--toAdmin=<toAdmin>]
[--toPassword=<toPassword>] [--toSuperadmin=<toSuperadmin>]
[-a=<admin>] [-p=<password>] [-s=<superadmin>]
[--fromHeader=<String=String>]... [--skip=<skipEntities>]...
[--toHeader=<String=String>]... [-d=<String=String>]... FROM TO
Transfer Unblu entity configuration and localization from FROM to TO where
FROM, TO are either an Unblu server URL or a path
FROM path or URL. If a path is provided, it's assumed to be a
directory where previously exported utransfer files
are located. If a URL is provided, it is assumed to be
an Unblu server web API endpoint from which data is
exported. URL must be fully qualified including unblu
prefix (trusted entry-path). Example: https:
TO path or URL. If a path is provided, it should be a file
path ending with ('.zip' or '.json') or directory
where the export should be stored. If a URL is
provided, it is assumed to be an Unblu server web API
endpoint where data is imported into. URL must be
fully qualified including unblu prefix (trusted
entry-path). Example: https://unbluserver:1234/unblu
-a, --admin=<admin> Unblu username with admin (or superadmin) role to use
when only one of FROM or TO is an Unblu url
-s, --superadmin=<superadmin>
Unblu username with superadmin role to use when only one
of FROM or TO is an Unblu url
-p, --password=<password> Password to use for the --admin or --superadmin
-d, --header=<String=String>
Headers sent when only one of FROM or TO is an Unblu url
--noAuth Work without basic auth when one of FROM or TO is an
Unblu url
Unblu username with admin (or superadmin) role to use
when FROM is an Unblu url
Unblu username with superadmin role to use when FROM is
an Unblu url
Password to use for the --fromAdmin or --fromSuperadmin
Unblu account to use in case superadmin is provided and
account should not be the superadmin's when FROM is an
Unblu url
Headers sent when FROM is an Unblu url
--fromNoAuth Work without basic auth when FROM is an Unblu url
--toAdmin=<toAdmin> Unblu username with admin (or superadmin) role to use
when TO is an Unblu url
Unblu username with superadmin role to use when TO is an
Unblu url
Password to use for the --toAdmin or --toSuperadmin
Headers sent when TO is an Unblu url
--toNoAuth Work without basic auth when TO is an Unblu url
-k, --keepMarkers By default database markers like creation date of
entities are removed on export to have clean data.
With this option set, markers are kept in the export
--keepApiKeys By default api keys values are removed on export to have
clean data. With this option set, api keys are kept in
the export
-z Create a zip file in TO instead of creating a file per
entity in the folder
-j Create a json file in TO instead of creating a file per
entity in a folder
How IDs should be converted on export. NAME: use unique
entity name, ID: use original id, HASH: create hash
based on unique entity name, COUNTER: replace the id
based on a counter. Default is NAME
--skip=<skipEntities> A comma separated list of entities that should not be
transferred. By default, USERS, TEAMS is set as skipped
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
-V, --version Print version information and exit. (2)
1 | Replace <name-of-utransfer-jar-file>.jar with the name of your utransfer JAR file. |
2 | The -V and --version options currently don’t work. |
The sections below go into how to use utransfer
in more detail.
Exporting data
The command for an administrator to export the account from
to the folder /tmp/unblu-export
would be:
$ java -jar <name-of-utransfer-jar-file>.jar \ (1) \ (2)
/tmp/unblu-export \ (3)
--fromAdmin=<admin-username> \ (4)
--fromPassword=<admin-password> (5)
1 | Replace <name-of-utransfer-jar-file>.jar with the name of your utransfer JAR file. |
2 | FROM |
3 | TO |
4 | Replace <admin-username> with you admin username. Since only FROM is an Unblu URL, you could use -a instead of --fromAdmin . |
5 | Replace <admin-password> with your admin password. Since only FROM is an Unblu URL, you could use -p instead of --fromPassword . |
When you execute this command, utransfer
will generate a folder named after the account in the TO
folder you specified, with each exported entity in a separate JSON file:
export format
├── account_Main_Account.json
├── apiKey_Default.json
├── avatar_1094328050070469361.json
├── avatar_9060334214433969142.json
├── conversationTemplate_default_audio_request_template.json
├── conversationTemplate_default_chat_request_template.json
├── conversationTemplate_default_chat_template.json
├── conversationTemplate_default_domcap_browser_request_template.json
├── conversationTemplate_default_embedded_template.json
├── conversationTemplate_default_headless_template.json
├── conversationTemplate_default_mobile_cobrowsing_request_template.json
├── conversationTemplate_default_mobile_template.json
├── conversationTemplate_default_offline_chat_request_template.json
├── conversationTemplate_default_video_request_template.json
├── namedArea_AA.json
├── person_concierge-bot-person-id.json
├── webhook_AA.json
└── webhook_BB.json
offers two alternative export formats:
A single ZIP file containing the same set of individual JSON files for each entity as the default export format. The ZIP file will be generated in the
folder (/tmp/unblu-export
in the example above) with missing parent directories being created as needed. The name of the ZIP file will be<account_ID>-<export_date>-<export_time>.zip
.Use the
option in the command above to choose this export format. -
A single JSON file containing all of the exported entities. The JSON file will be saved in the
folder. Again, missing parent directories will be created as needed. The name of the JSON file will be<account_ID>-<export_date>-<export_time>.json
.Having all entities in a single JSON file makes it particularly easy to compare two or more installations.
Use the
option in the command above to choose this export format.
If you run the export command with the option --fromSuperadmin
, the data will include global configuration and text properties.
Transferring persons
The only person entities that can be transferred are those of dialog bots or the concierge. Other persons belong to conversations. Since it is not possible to transfer conversations, there is no point in transferring other persons, either.
Skipping entities
You may not want or need to transfer all types of entity. In that case, you can exclude entities using the --skip
option with a comma-separated list of the types of entity you don’t want to transfer.
The list of possible values to exclude is:
(only relevant whenutransfer
is called with superadministrator credentials) -
(excluded by default) -
(excluded by default) -
This can be useful if, for example, you exported all of an account’s entities but only want to import, say, its conversation templates and named areas into a new account. In that case, you would run utransfer
By default, utransfer
does not transfer users and teams. The reason for this is that it is not possible to export users with their credentials, and teams without users often make little sense. If you would like to transfer users and teams anyway, include the option --skip=NONE
when you run utransfer
. Including NONE
in a list with actual entities will result in an error.
The license key is never included in a utransfer export. |
Importing data
To import data into an account, use a command such as the following one:
$ java -jar <name-of-utransfer-jar-file>.jar \ (1)
/tmp/unblu-export \ (2) \ (3)
--toAdmin=<admin-username> \ (4)
--toPassword=<admin-password> (5)
1 | Replace <name-of-utransfer-jar-file>.jar with the name of your utransfer JAR file. |
2 | FROM |
3 | TO |
4 | Replace <admin-username> with you admin username. Since only TO is an Unblu URL, you could use -a instead of --toAdmin . |
5 | Replace <admin-password> with your admin password. Since only TO is an Unblu URL, you could use -p instead of --toPassword . |
This command wil merge the transferred data into the account of the administrator whose credentials were provided.
When you run the command with the option --toSuperadmin
(and the corresponding credentials), the behavior depends on the name of the account whose entities you are importing.
If no account with that name exists at the
will create a new account. -
If an account of the same name exists,
will merge the transferred entities into the existing account of the same name. -
Tf the exported data contains global configuration and text properties, these, too, will be imported.
Importing global configuration and text properties can potentially affect all of the accounts on the target installation. You should therefore give careful thought to the effect of including global entities when using utransfer
Import hints
If the target of your transfer isn’t a brand-new account, it may contain a significant number of entities. Even if it is new, it will already contain a number of default entities. Thus the question arises of how to deal with existing entities at the import target. utransfer
uses hints to determine how to proceed.
If you export a ZIP file or a folder with a JSON for each entity, your export will include a file named hints.json
like the one below:
"apiKeysStrategy" : "DELETE",
"cannedResponsesStrategy" : "DELETE",
"conversationTemplatesStrategy" : "KEEP",
"domainsStrategy" : "DELETE",
"namedAreasStrategy" : "KEEP",
"teamsStrategy" : "DELETE",
"usersStrategy" : "DELETE",
"webhookRegistrationsStrategy" : "DELETE",
"dialogBotsStrategy" : "DELETE",
"externalMessengersStrategy" : "DELETE"
If you use the -j
option to export a single JSON file containing all entities, the JSON file will contain an object named "hints"
whose value will mirror that of the hints.json
file above.
As you can see in the example above, there are two different import strategies, DELETE
and KEEP
: Any entities at the target that have no corresponding entity with the same name in the imported data are deleted. -
: Entities at the target that have no corresponding entity with the same name in the imported data remain unchanged.
Suppose you exported the named areas NA01, NA02, and NA03 from account A and want to import them into account B, which already has the named areas NA02, NA03, and NA04.
With the import hint
set toKEEP
, you would end up with four named areas in account B: NA01, NA02, NA03, and NA0, -
If the import hint were set to
, account B would end up with only three named areas: NA01, NA02, and NA03. -
In both cases, the named areas NA02 and NA03 in account B would be updated to reflect the named area exported from account A.
Some entities, such as the default team and default conversation templates, are never be deleted, regardless of the strategy specified in the import hints.
Which strategy utransfer
defaults to for each type of entity depends on whether that type of entity was skipped or not during the export.
Entity types that were skipped will be assigned the
strategy. -
Entity types that were included in the export will be assigned the
Data modification
can carry out three types of modification on the data you are transferring: API key value removal, database marker removal, and ID conversion.
By default, the values of the API keys are removed when they are exported. (The other values of API key entities are exported.) To disable this behavior and export API keys with their key values, run utransfer
with the option --keepApiKey
Database markers, too, are removed by default during utransfer
data exports. You can retain them by including the option --keepMarkers
To give you a better idea of the options' effect, compare the two excerpts below, taken from an export to a single JSON file. The first example was exported with the options --keepApiKeys
and --keepMarkers
. The second export was run without these options.
As you can see, the first example includes various values — "apiKey"
, "creationTimestamp"
, "modificationTimestamp"
, and a number of "$_version"
entries — that are missing from the second example. Apart from "apiKey"
, the missing values are all database markers.
-j --keepApiKeys --keepMarkers
"mobile-agent" : {
"$_type" : "ApiKey",
"id" : "mobile-agent",
"creationTimestamp" : 1605607944974,
"modificationTimestamp" : 1605607944974,
"version" : 1,
"accountId" : "The Bank",
"apiKey" : "HGXXQQI1TA6OFiE_OzNg8g",
"name" : "mobile-agent",
"description" : "Demo api key for usage in area: mobile-agent",
"configuration" : {
"$_version" : "50d60323f704eb76a5cc181039d113f8",
"com.unblu.conversation.ui.individualUiActionBarTheme" : "DARK"
"text" : {
"$_version" : {
"$_version" : "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"
"metadata" : {
"$_version" : "2fe774b6fd245e8c80d136f67a4c344b",
"" : "true"
"mobile-agent" : {
"$_type" : "ApiKey",
"id" : "mobile-agent",
"accountId" : "The Bank",
"name" : "mobile-agent",
"description" : "Demo api key for usage in area: mobile-agent",
"configuration" : {
"com.unblu.conversation.ui.individualUiActionBarTheme" : "DARK"
"text" : { },
"metadata" : {
"" : "true"
When you import data that includes API keys or database markers, run utransfer with the same option to include the data that’s normally removed. For example, to include API keys in your import, run utransfer with the option --keepApiKeys . |
ID conversion
The default entity IDs in Unblu are random character sequences, automatically generated when the entity is created. This makes them hard to remember and to find when one wants to compare entities from two or more different environments. It also makes it hard to compare two or more different installations.
Transforming IDs into something more legible to humans makes it easier to find one’s way around an export. Transforming IDs in a stable fashion also makes comparisons between different installations simply a matter of performing a diff
To transform entity IDs during an export, run utransfer
with the option --idConversion=<strategy>
, where <strategy>
is one of the following:
An entity’s ID is replaced with an id based on a counter and its entity type. The result depends on the order in which
id is a hash based on the business logic attribute (title, name, …).
The entity keeps its original id, i.e. no transformation occurs.
This is the default strategy for the
CLI. The entity’s name or title is used as its ID.
The strategies NAME
and HASH
are stable across installations,that is, the same entity exported from two or more environments will have the same ID.
An ID clash occurs when an ID transformation results in the same output ID for two different input entities. If an ID clash occurs, utransfer
will raise an error and exit. In such cases, we recommend that you use a transformation strategy that cannot create clashes, i.e. ID
Consider the API key used in the examples of the previous section. This is the exported data with the original IDs, i.e. using the conversion strategy ID
with the options -j --idConversion=ID --keepApiKeys --keepMarkers
"QA9tsi5QRZ2dFMo7JOUwHQ" : {
"$_type" : "ApiKey",
"id" : "QA9tsi5QRZ2dFMo7JOUwHQ",
"creationTimestamp" : 1610359268499,
"modificationTimestamp" : 1610359268499,
"version" : 1,
"accountId" : "T-fc_kUHQ_WNvY1ZX9ZA0w",
"apiKey" : "JmvURvDWQdywtaN0sTFZYQ",
"name" : "mobile-agent",
"description" : "Demo api key for usage in area: mobile-agent",
"configuration" : {
"$_version" : "50d60323f704eb76a5cc181039d113f8",
"com.unblu.conversation.ui.individualUiActionBarTheme" : "DARK"
"text" : {
"$_version" : {
"$_version" : "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"
"metadata" : {
"$_version" : "2fe774b6fd245e8c80d136f67a4c344b",
"" : "true"
This is what the entity looks like when exported with the ID conversion strategy COUNTER
-j --idConversion=COUNTER --keepApiKeys --keepMarkers
"apiKey030" : {
"$_type" : "ApiKey",
"id" : "apiKey030",
"creationTimestamp" : 1610359268499,
"modificationTimestamp" : 1610359268499,
"version" : 1,
"accountId" : "account001",
"apiKey" : "JmvURvDWQdywtaN0sTFZYQ",
"name" : "mobile-agent",
"description" : "Demo api key for usage in area: mobile-agent",
"configuration" : {
"$_version" : "50d60323f704eb76a5cc181039d113f8",
"com.unblu.conversation.ui.individualUiActionBarTheme" : "DARK"
"text" : {
"$_version" : {
"$_version" : "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"
"metadata" : {
"$_version" : "2fe774b6fd245e8c80d136f67a4c344b",
"" : "true"
Note that the reference to the account this entity belongs to, the value of "accountId"
, has been changed to reflect the new value of the account’s ID. This shows how utransfer
keeps track of all cross-references between the entities it processes.
Here is the same entity exported with the HASH
with the options -j --idConversion=HASH --keepApiKeys --keepMarkers
"4085760720999967238" : {
"$_type" : "ApiKey",
"id" : "4085760720999967238",
"creationTimestamp" : 1610359268499,
"modificationTimestamp" : 1610359268499,
"version" : 1,
"accountId" : "7303578532599678026",
"apiKey" : "JmvURvDWQdywtaN0sTFZYQ",
"name" : "mobile-agent",
"description" : "Demo api key for usage in area: mobile-agent",
"configuration" : {
"$_version" : "50d60323f704eb76a5cc181039d113f8",
"com.unblu.conversation.ui.individualUiActionBarTheme" : "DARK"
"text" : {
"$_version" : {
"$_version" : "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"
"metadata" : {
"$_version" : "2fe774b6fd245e8c80d136f67a4c344b",
"" : "true"
Finally, here is the entity exported with the NAME
with the options -j --idConversion=NAME --keepApiKeys --keepMarkers
"mobile-agent" : {
"$_type" : "ApiKey",
"id" : "mobile-agent",
"creationTimestamp" : 1610359268499,
"modificationTimestamp" : 1610359268499,
"version" : 1,
"accountId" : "The Bank",
"apiKey" : "JmvURvDWQdywtaN0sTFZYQ",
"name" : "mobile-agent",
"description" : "Demo api key for usage in area: mobile-agent",
"configuration" : {
"$_version" : "50d60323f704eb76a5cc181039d113f8",
"com.unblu.conversation.ui.individualUiActionBarTheme" : "DARK"
"text" : {
"$_version" : {
"$_version" : "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"
"metadata" : {
"$_version" : "2fe774b6fd245e8c80d136f67a4c344b",
"" : "true"
When you reimport the data of entities whose IDs were transformed, the entities will be assigned random character sequences as IDs again.
Using utransfer
with different user roles
has options to specify the username and password of either an admin or a superadmin. Which of the two roles you use utransfer
with will affect how imports and exports of entities work.
If you run utransfer
with the option --fromAdmin
, then that administrator’s account will be exported.
When you run utransfer
with the --toAdmin
option, the data will be imported into that administrator’s account. Any GLOBAL
entities in the data will be ignored.
Technical administrator
If the credentials you provide belong to a technical administrator, utransfer
will run as if it had been called with the credentials of a normal account administrator. However, not all entities will be transferred. The following types of entity will always be skipped, regardless of any --skip
option you may include:
When you run utransfer
with the option --fromSuperadmin
, then the superadministrator’s account will be exported. You can, however, include the --fromAccount
option to specify a different account. If the superadministrator does not belong to the account specified, utransfer
will create a temporary administrator. The temporary administrator carries out the export and is deleted once the export has finished.
To avoid this, you can provide the superadministrator’s username in the --fromAdmin
option instead.
Exports carried out by superadministrators include global configuration and text properties. To prevent this, include the value GLOBAL
in the --skip
Running utransfer
with ID propagation
You can use <<(root)knowledge-base/authentication.adoc#authentication-source-propagated,ID propagation>> when you run utransfer
. To do so, you can use the appropriate --header
, --FromHeader
or --ToHeader
$ java -jar utransfer.jar \ (1)
http://localhost:7777/co-unblu \ (2)
/tmp/unblu-export \ (3)
-j (4)
-d x-propagated-trusted-user-id=utransferUser -d x-propagated-trusted-user-roles=ADMIN (5)
1 | Replace <name-of-utransfer-jar-file>.jar with the name of your utransfer JAR file. |
2 | FROM |
3 | TO |
4 | Generate a single JSON file. |
5 | -d is the shorthand notation for the --header . Since only FROM is an Unblu URL, there is no need to use the more specific --fromHeader .
Replace the header with the header(s) you need. |
The headers you have to include will depend on you particular setup. Suppose you need to include a header such as x-awesome-proxy-header: YesDefinitely
for the reverse proxy, which then carries out authentication. In that case, you would call utransfer
with the option -d x-awesome-proxy-header=YesDefinitely
If necessary, you can remove the basic authentication headers from the request with the options --noAuth
, --noFromAuth
or --noToAuth
ID propagation was introduced in version 6.21.1 of utransfer . The option to remove basic authentication headers was added in utransfer version 6.23.0. |