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actionExecutionFailed(MobileCoBrowsingErrorType, String) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.callback.MobileCoBrowsingExceptionCallback
Error while starting or stopping mobile co-browsing.
ACTIVE - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.model.EConversationState
Depending of the engagement type of the conversation, the conversation is put in the queued state when it is inside the queue.
addPersonLabel(String, IPersonLabelActionCallback) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.UnbluClient
Adds a label to the current person.
addPrivateView(int) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.module.mobilecobrowsing.MobileCoBrowsingModule
Adds the view with the given ID to the Set of private views.
AGENT - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.model.ConversationRecipientType
The recipient type of a conversation is an agent
ASSIGNED_AGENT - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.model.EConversationParticipationType
AUDIO_REQUEST - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.model.ConversationType
(visitor initiated, visitor centered) A visitor creates an incoming audio conversation.
AUTHENTICATION - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype.UnbluClientErrorType
Error thrown if there's an authentication issue while communicating with the Unblu Collaboration Server.
AUTHORIZATION - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype.UnbluClientErrorType
Error thrown if there's an authorization issue while communicating with the Unblu Collaboration Server.


BackButtonCallback - Interface in com.unblu.sdk.core.callback
Callback for native back button presses while the Unblu UI is displayed.
BackButtonPressTriggerEvent - Enum Class in com.unblu.sdk.core.model
Defines the trigger scenario for the native back button action
BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.links.UnbluExternalLinkHandlingPolicy
Instructs Unblu not to follow the link.
build() - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.configuration.UnbluClientConfiguration.Builder
Generates the immutable UnbluConfiguration instance based on the state of the builder at the time when it's called.
Builder(UnbluClientConfiguration) - Constructor for class com.unblu.sdk.core.configuration.UnbluClientConfiguration.Builder
Constructs an API configuration.
Builder(String, String, UnbluPreferencesStorage, UnbluDownloadHandler, UnbluExternalLinkHandler) - Constructor for class com.unblu.sdk.core.configuration.UnbluClientConfiguration.Builder
Constructs an API configuration.


CALL - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.notification.UnbluNotificationTag
Sent when a call notification message is sent
CALL_ALREADY_ACTIVE - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype.StartAudioCallErrorType
Failed to start an audio call because there's already an active call in the current conversation
CALL_ALREADY_ACTIVE - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype.StartVideoCallErrorType
Failed to start a video call because there's already an active callin the current conversation
CALL_MODULE_NOT_REGISTERED - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype.StartAudioCallErrorType
Failed to start an audio call because the module isn't registered
CALL_MODULE_NOT_REGISTERED - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype.StartVideoCallErrorType
Failed to start a video call because the module isn't registered
CallModule - Interface in
The API for the call module, independent of the call service provider.
CallModuleProvider - Class in
Entry point to use the call functionality of Unblu to make audio and video calls with Vonage.
CallModuleProviderFactory - Interface in
Factory interface for creating instances of CallModule dynamically based on the UnbluProvider provided.
CHAT_REQUEST - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.model.ConversationType
(visitor initiated, visitor centered) A visitor creates an incoming audio conversation.
close(SuccessVoidCallback, OpenConversationOverviewExceptionCallback) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.conversation.UnbluConversation
Closes the conversation.
CO_BROWSING_NOT_ACTIVE - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype.MobileCoBrowsingErrorType
Failed to execute a co-browsing action because it isn't active.
CO_BROWSING_NOT_CONFIGURED - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype.MobileCoBrowsingErrorType
Failed to execute a co-browsing action because co-browsing isn't available.
CO_BROWSING_NOT_REGISTERED - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype.MobileCoBrowsingErrorType
Failed to execute co-browsing action because the module isn't registered
com.unblu.livekitmodule - package com.unblu.livekitmodule
com.unblu.sdk.core - package com.unblu.sdk.core
com.unblu.sdk.core.agent - package com.unblu.sdk.core.agent
com.unblu.sdk.core.application - package com.unblu.sdk.core.application
com.unblu.sdk.core.callback - package com.unblu.sdk.core.callback
com.unblu.sdk.core.configuration - package com.unblu.sdk.core.configuration
com.unblu.sdk.core.conversation - package com.unblu.sdk.core.conversation
com.unblu.sdk.core.conversation.customaction - package com.unblu.sdk.core.conversation.customaction
com.unblu.sdk.core.debug - package com.unblu.sdk.core.debug
com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype - package com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype
com.unblu.sdk.core.links - package com.unblu.sdk.core.links
com.unblu.sdk.core.model - package com.unblu.sdk.core.model - package
com.unblu.sdk.core.notification - package com.unblu.sdk.core.notification
com.unblu.sdk.core.observable - package com.unblu.sdk.core.observable
com.unblu.sdk.core.ui - package com.unblu.sdk.core.ui
com.unblu.sdk.core.visitor - package com.unblu.sdk.core.visitor - package
com.unblu.sdk.module.firebase_notification - package com.unblu.sdk.module.firebase_notification
com.unblu.sdk.module.mobilecobrowsing - package com.unblu.sdk.module.mobilecobrowsing
CONTEXT_PERSON - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.model.EConversationParticipationType
ConversationInfo - Interface in com.unblu.sdk.core.model
Interface representing the information about a conversation.
ConversationInterceptCallback - Interface in com.unblu.sdk.core.callback
Callback definition for an event triggered when a newly started conversation is intercepted.
ConversationInterceptor - Interface in com.unblu.sdk.core.visitor
Use ConversationInterceptorWithRecipient. This class will no longer be supported in the future.
ConversationInterceptorWithRecipient - Interface in com.unblu.sdk.core.visitor
Interface for intercepting new conversations.
ConversationParticipantInfo - Interface in com.unblu.sdk.core.model
Interface defining the properties and behaviors of a conversation participant.
ConversationRecipient - Class in com.unblu.sdk.core.model
Represents a recipient of a conversation within the Unblu suite, identifying both the ID and the type of recipient (ConversationRecipientType.AGENT/ConversationRecipientType.TEAM).
ConversationRecipient(String, ConversationRecipientType) - Constructor for class com.unblu.sdk.core.model.ConversationRecipient
Constructs a new instance of ConversationRecipient with the ID and recipient type specified.
ConversationRecipientInfo - Interface in com.unblu.sdk.core.model
ConversationRecipientType - Enum Class in com.unblu.sdk.core.model
Defines the types of recipients for conversation requests.
ConversationType - Enum Class in com.unblu.sdk.core.model
The type of a conversation.
create() - Static method in class com.unblu.livekitmodule.LiveKitModuleProvider
Creates and returns a new instance of CallModule to make audio and video calls with LiveKit.
create() - Static method in class
Creates and returns a new instance of CallModule to make audio and video calls with Vonage.
create() - Static method in class com.unblu.sdk.module.mobilecobrowsing.MobileCoBrowsingModuleProvider
createAgentClient(Application, Activity, UnbluClientConfiguration, UnbluNotificationApi, InitializeSuccessCallback<UnbluAgentClient>, InitializeExceptionCallback) - Static method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.Unblu
Creates a new instance of the UnbluAgentClient.
createAgentClient(Application, UnbluClientConfiguration, UnbluNotificationApi, InitializeSuccessCallback<UnbluAgentClient>, InitializeExceptionCallback) - Static method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.Unblu
Creates a new instance of the UnbluAgentClient.
CREATED - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.model.EConversationState
Initial state of a conversation
createDynamic(UnbluProvider...) - Static method in interface
Creates an instance of CallModule dynamically, incorporating the provided instances of UnbluProvider.
createExternalStorageDownloadHandler(Application) - Static method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.configuration.UnbluDownloadHandler
Creates a default implementation of UnbluDownloadHandler that stores downloaded files in the public downloads directory.
createForDynamic() - Static method in class com.unblu.livekitmodule.LiveKitModuleProvider
Creates and returns a new instance of UnbluProvider to make audio and video calls with LiveKit.
createForDynamic() - Static method in class
Creates and returns a new instance of UnbluProvider to make audio and video calls with Vonage.
createLoadingView(Context) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.ui.ICustomLoadingViewCreator
Called whenever a loading view is presented
createNotificationApi() - Static method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.notification.UnbluNotificationApi
Retrieves a new instance of UnbluNotificationApi.
createOnUserInteraction() - Static method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.model.UiHideRequestModel
A static method that creates a new instance of UiHideRequestModel for a UI hide request initiated by user interaction.
createSharedPreferencesStorage(Context) - Static method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.configuration.UnbluPreferencesStorage
Creates a default implementation of UnbluPreferencesStorage which stores the preferences inside the SharedPreferences of the app with mode Context.MODE_PRIVATE
createSharedPreferencesStorage(Context, String) - Static method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.configuration.UnbluPreferencesStorage
Creates a default implementation of UnbluPreferencesStorage which stores the preferences inside the SharedPreferences of the app with mode Context.MODE_PRIVATE
createVisitorClient(Application, Activity, UnbluClientConfiguration, UnbluNotificationApi, InitializeSuccessCallback<UnbluVisitorClient>, InitializeExceptionCallback) - Static method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.Unblu
Creates a new instance of the UnbluVisitorClient.
createVisitorClient(Application, UnbluClientConfiguration, UnbluNotificationApi, InitializeSuccessCallback<UnbluVisitorClient>, InitializeExceptionCallback) - Static method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.Unblu
Creates a new instance of the UnbluVisitorClient.


DEBUG - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.debug.LogLevel
Debug messages
decidePolicy(Uri) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.links.UnbluExternalLinkHandler
Called when a link is tapped in a conversation.
decidePolicy(Uri) - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.links.UnbluPatternMatchingExternalLinkHandler
Determines the handling policy for a given URL within a conversation.
deinitClient(SuccessVoidCallback, DeinitializeExceptionCallback) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.UnbluClient
Deinitializes the UnbluClient.
DeinitializeExceptionCallback - Interface in com.unblu.sdk.core.callback
Callback for exceptions which can occur on deinitialization of the UnbluClient
delete(Uri, String, String[]) - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.module.firebase_notification.UnbluFirebaseProvider
Empty implementation; not needed for Firebase
DISABLED - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype.UnbluClientErrorType
Error thrown if the mobile SDK module is disabled in the Unblu server configuration.
displayAsModalView(UnbluAnimationData) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.conversation.UnbluConversation
Displays this conversation via the configured modal view handler.
displayName - Variable in class com.unblu.sdk.core.model.PersonInfo
The person's display name
DOWN - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.model.BackButtonPressTriggerEvent
The event triggered because the button was pressed down.
Drawable(int, int) - Constructor for class com.unblu.sdk.core.ui.UnbluImageResourceWrapper.Drawable


EConversationParticipationType - Enum Class in com.unblu.sdk.core.model
The participation type of a person
EConversationState - Enum Class in com.unblu.sdk.core.model
Represents the state of a conversation within the Unblu system.
enableCapturingPerformanceLogging - Static variable in class com.unblu.sdk.core.Unblu
Enables the logging of capturing performance, for example, frames per second (FPS).
enableDebugOutput - Static variable in class com.unblu.sdk.core.Unblu
Enables the debug output of the Unblu SDK.
ENDED - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.model.EConversationState
The conversation has been ended.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.configuration.UnbluCookie
ERROR - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.debug.LogLevel
Error messages
ErrorData - Class in com.unblu.sdk.core.observable
Represents error information within the SDK.
ErrorData(UnbluClientErrorType, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.unblu.sdk.core.observable.ErrorData
Constructs a new ErrorData instance with the specified error type and message.
EXECUTION - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype.UnbluClientErrorType
Error thrown if a business error occurred during execution.


fadeIn(View, long, UnbluDefaultModalViewHandler.OnAnimationEndCallback) - Static method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.ui.UnbluDefaultModalViewHandler
Animates the fade-in effect for a given view.
FATAL_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype.InitConversationErrorType
A fatal error occurred, potentially from internal native Android code.
FATAL_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype.MobileCoBrowsingErrorType
Internal error from the native Android code.
FATAL_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype.OpenConversationErrorType
Internal error from the native Android code.
FATAL_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype.OpenConversationOverviewErrorType
Internal error from the native Android code.
FATAL_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype.StartAudioCallErrorType
Internal error from the native Android code.
FATAL_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype.StartVideoCallErrorType
Internal error from the native Android code.
FATAL_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype.StopLayerErrorType
Internal error from the native Android code.
FATAL_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype.SwitchToLayerErrorType
Internal error from the native Android code.
from(List<HttpCookie>) - Static method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.configuration.UnbluCookie
Creates a Set<UnbluCookie> from a Set<>.
The constructor calculates each cookie's Expires attribute from its Max-Age attribute.
from(Map<String, String>) - Static method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.configuration.UnbluCookie
Creates a Set<UnbluCookie> from a Map<String, String>.
Cookies created with this constructor never expire.
fromData(Context, Map<String, String>) - Static method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.notification.UnbluNotificationApi
Creates an UnbluNotification if the pushData is valid, that is, if it contains an Unblu notification


geIinvocationId() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.conversation.customaction.UnbluCustomActionInvocation
get(String) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.configuration.UnbluPreferencesStorage
Read a preference from the storage
getAccessToken() - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.configuration.UnbluClientConfiguration
getApiKey() - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.configuration.UnbluClientConfiguration
getAppUsableScreenSize(Context) - Static method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.ui.UnbluDefaultModalViewHandler
Returns the usable screen size for the application.
getAvatarBackgroundColor() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.model.ConversationParticipantInfo
Gets the background color for the participant's avatar.
getAvatarId() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.model.ConversationRecipientInfo
getAvatarUrl() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.model.ConversationParticipantInfo
Gets the URL to the participant's avatar.
getBackgroundColorForAnimation() - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.ui.UnbluAnimationData
Returns the background color for the container from where the layout is animated.
getBody() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.notification.UnbluNotification
getCertificateChain() - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.model.UnbluClientCertRequestData
getChannelId() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.notification.UnbluNotification
getColorFilter() - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.ui.UnbluImageResourceWrapper.ImageVectorResource
getConversationId() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.conversation.customaction.UnbluCustomActionInvocation
getConversationId() - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.model.UiHideRequestModel
Returns the ID of the conversation associated with the UI hide request, if any.
getConversationId() - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.model.UiVisibilityRequestModel
Returns the ID of the conversation associated with the visibility change request.
getConversations(SuccessCallback<List<ConversationInfo>>) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.UnbluClient
Asynchronously retrieves a list of ConversationInfos for the accessible conversations that the user is a participant in.
getCreationTimestamp() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.model.ConversationInfo
Returns the UTC timestamp when the conversation was created.
getCustomCookies() - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.configuration.UnbluClientConfiguration
getCustomLoadingViewCreator() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.UnbluClient
Returns the currently configured custom loading view creator.
getData() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.notification.UnbluNotification
getDefault() - Static method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.ui.UnbluImageResourceWrapper
getDeviceToken() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.notification.UnbluNotificationApi
getDisplayName() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.model.ConversationParticipantInfo
Gets the display name of the participant.
getDownloadHandler() - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.configuration.UnbluClientConfiguration
getEntryPath() - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.configuration.UnbluClientConfiguration
getErrorDescription() - Method in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype.InitConversationErrorType
Retrieves the description of the exception class name.
getErrorDescription() - Method in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype.UnbluClientErrorType
Retrieves the description of the error.
getErrorDescription() - Method in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype.UnbluJoinConversationErrorType
Retrieves the description of the exception class name.
getErrorType() - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.observable.ErrorData
Returns the type of error.
getExpires() - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.configuration.UnbluCookie
getExternalLinkHandler() - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.configuration.UnbluClientConfiguration
getHeight() - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.module.mobilecobrowsing.PrivateArea
getHideReason() - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.model.UiHideRequestModel
Returns the reason for the UI hide request.
getIcon() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.notification.UnbluNotification
getId() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.conversation.UnbluConversation
getId() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.model.ConversationInfo
Returns the unique identifier for the conversation.
getId() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.model.ConversationParticipantInfo
Gets the ID of the participant.
getId() - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.model.ConversationRecipient
getId() - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.module.mobilecobrowsing.PrivateArea
getImageVector() - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.ui.UnbluImageResourceWrapper.ImageVectorResource
getIncomingCallsNotificationChannelId() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.notification.UnbluNotificationApi
getInitials() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.model.ConversationParticipantInfo
Gets the initials derived from the participant's display name.
getInternalUrlPatternWhitelist() - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.configuration.UnbluClientConfiguration
getInvocationTimestamp() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.conversation.customaction.UnbluCustomActionInvocation
getInvokingPersonDisplayName() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.conversation.customaction.UnbluCustomActionInvocation
getInvokingPersonId() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.conversation.customaction.UnbluCustomActionInvocation
getKey() - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.configuration.UnbluCookie
getKey() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.conversation.customaction.UnbluCustomActionInvocation
getLanguage() - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.configuration.UnbluClientConfiguration
getLogLevel() - Static method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.Unblu
Returns the log level of the Unblu SDK.
getMainView() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.UnbluClient
Returns the Unblu UI component to interact with (chat, call, video, co-browsing) as a View.
getMessage() - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.observable.ErrorData
Returns the detailed message associated with the error.
getMessageId() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.conversation.customaction.UnbluMessageCustomActionInvocation
Gets the ID of the message the action was invoked on.
getMessageSenderPersonDisplayName() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.conversation.customaction.UnbluMessageCustomActionInvocation
getMessageSenderPersonId() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.conversation.customaction.UnbluMessageCustomActionInvocation
getMessageText() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.conversation.customaction.UnbluMessageCustomActionInvocation
Gets the text of the message that the action was invoked on.
getMessageType() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.conversation.customaction.UnbluMessageCustomActionInvocation
Gets the type of the message the action was invoked on.
getMissedCallsNotificationChannelId() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.notification.UnbluNotificationApi
getModules() - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.configuration.UnbluClientConfiguration
getMyParticipantType() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.model.ConversationInfo
Returns the participation type of the current user in the conversation.
getName() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.model.ConversationRecipientInfo
getNamedArea() - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.configuration.UnbluClientConfiguration
getNewMessagesNotificationChannelId() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.notification.UnbluNotificationApi
getNotificationApi() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.UnbluClient
Returns the low-level notification API.
getNotificationApi() - Static method in class com.unblu.sdk.module.firebase_notification.UnbluFirebaseNotificationService
Returns an instance of a class that implements UnbluNotificationApi.
getNotificationCount() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.model.ConversationInfo
Returns the number of notifications related to the conversation.
getNotificationInterceptor() - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.configuration.UnbluClientConfiguration
getOauthToken() - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.configuration.UnbluClientConfiguration
getOnlineState() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.model.ConversationRecipientInfo
getOpenConversation() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.UnbluClient
Gets the current open conversation as an Observable.
getOpenConversationValue() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.UnbluClient
Gets the current open conversation
getOtherParticipants() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.model.ConversationInfo
Returns a list of the other participants in the conversation.
getParticipationType() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.model.ConversationParticipantInfo
Gets the participation type for the participant.
getPersonInfo() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.UnbluClient
Returns the information of the current person.
getPersonInfoAsync() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.visitor.UnbluVisitorClient
Returns the information of the current person.
GetPersonInfoAsyncErrorCallback - Interface in com.unblu.sdk.core.callback
Callback for exceptions which can occur while obtaining the PersonInfo asynchronously from the UnbluVisitorClient.getPersonInfoAsync()
getPreferencesStorage() - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.configuration.UnbluClientConfiguration
getPrivateKey() - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.model.UnbluClientCertRequestData
getReason() - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.model.UiVisibilityRequestModel
Returns the reason for the visibility change request.
getRecipient() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.model.ConversationInfo
Returns the type of recipient involved in the conversation.
getResource() - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.ui.UnbluImageResourceWrapper.Drawable
getSound() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.notification.UnbluNotification
getSourceHeight() - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.ui.UnbluAnimationData
Returns the source height of the animation object.
getSourceWidth() - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.ui.UnbluAnimationData
Returns the source width of the animation object.
getState() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.model.ConversationInfo
Returns the current state of the conversation.
getTargetId() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.model.ConversationRecipientInfo
getTargetPersonDisplayName() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.conversation.customaction.UnbluPersonCustomActionInvocation
Get the display name of the person the action was invoked on.
getTargetPersonId() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.conversation.customaction.UnbluPersonCustomActionInvocation
Get the ID of the person the action was invoked on.
getTint() - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.ui.UnbluImageResourceWrapper.Drawable
getTitle() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.notification.UnbluNotification
getTopic() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.model.ConversationInfo
Returns the topic of the conversation, if any.
getType() - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.model.ConversationRecipient
getType() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.model.ConversationRecipientInfo
getType() - Method in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.model.EConversationParticipationType
getType(Uri) - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.module.firebase_notification.UnbluFirebaseProvider
Empty implementation; not needed for Firebase
getUnbluBaseUrl() - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.configuration.UnbluClientConfiguration
getUnbluClientCertRequestData() - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.configuration.UnbluClientConfiguration
getUnbluNav(View) - Static method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.ui.UnbluNavUtil
Retrieves the UnbluNav implementation from a given View instance.
getUnreadMessagesCount() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.conversation.UnbluConversation
Returns an Observable that emits an Integer value represent unread messages for this conversation
getUnreadMessagesCount() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.UnbluClient
Fetches the number of unread messages
getUrl() - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.ui.UnbluImageResourceWrapper.Url
getValue() - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.configuration.UnbluCookie
getViewDrawCache() - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.ui.UnbluAnimationData
Returns a cached bitmap representation of the view that can be used for animations and transformations.
getWidth() - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.module.mobilecobrowsing.PrivateArea
getX() - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.ui.UnbluAnimationData
Returns the x-coordinate of the animation object's origin or starting position.
getX() - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.module.mobilecobrowsing.PrivateArea
getY() - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.ui.UnbluAnimationData
Returns the y-coordinate of the animation object's origin or starting position.
getY() - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.module.mobilecobrowsing.PrivateArea
goBack(Function1<? super Boolean, Unit>) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.ui.UnbluNav
Called to try to navigate back in the SDK main view.


handlePress(boolean) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.callback.BackButtonCallback
Called whenever the native back button is pressed while the Unblu UI is displayed.
hashCode() - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.configuration.UnbluCookie


ICustomLoadingViewCreator - Interface in com.unblu.sdk.core.ui
Defines a creator to create a custom loading UI when the Unblu UI is displayed.
id - Variable in class com.unblu.sdk.core.model.PersonInfo
The person ID of the person
ImageVectorResource(ImageVector, ColorFilter) - Constructor for class com.unblu.sdk.core.ui.UnbluImageResourceWrapper.ImageVectorResource
INCOMING_CALL - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.ui.UnbluUiRequestReason
There is an incoming call
IndicatorButtonClickInterceptor - Interface in com.unblu.sdk.core.ui
Interface for intercepting indicator button click events.
IndicatorButtonClickInterceptor.ClickInterceptorResult - Enum Class in com.unblu.sdk.core.ui
INFO - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.debug.LogLevel
Informational messages
InitConversationErrorType - Enum Class in com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype
Error type thrown when starting or joining a conversation fails.
InitializeExceptionCallback - Interface in com.unblu.sdk.core.callback
Callback for exceptions which may arise while initializing the UnbluClient.
InitializeSuccessCallback<T extends UnbluClient> - Interface in com.unblu.sdk.core.callback
Callback which is triggered if initialization was successful.
insert(Uri, ContentValues) - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.module.firebase_notification.UnbluFirebaseProvider
Empty implementation; not needed for Firebase
INTERNAL - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype.UnbluClientErrorType
General internal error of the UnbluClient.
INVALID_FUNCTION_ARGS - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype.UnbluClientErrorType
Internal error that prevents the Unblu SDK from communicating with the Unblu Collaboration Server due to invalid function arguments.
INVALID_URL - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype.UnbluClientErrorType
Error thrown if the URL used to connect to the Unblu Collaboration Server is invalid.
IPersonLabelActionCallback - Interface in com.unblu.sdk.core.callback
Callback definition for any API function calls related to PersonInfo.
isAgentAvailable() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.visitor.UnbluVisitorClient
Return an observable boolean that checks agent availability
isAgentAvailable(SuccessCallback<Boolean>, NotInitializedExceptionCallback) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.visitor.UnbluVisitorClient
Checks if at least one agent is available for co-browsing / chat.
isAudioUploadsEnabled() - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.configuration.UnbluClientConfiguration
isCallActive() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.conversation.UnbluConversation
Triggered when a call starts or stops in the conversation.
isCallActive() - Method in interface
Monitors Unblu for ongoing calls.
isCallActive(SuccessCallback<Boolean>, NotInitializedExceptionCallback) - Method in interface
Checks if there's an ongoing call in Unblu and returns a callback with the result of the check.
isCallActiveValue() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.conversation.UnbluConversation
isCallUiOpen() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.conversation.UnbluConversation
Triggered when the call UI for the conversation is opened or closed.
isCallUiOpen() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.UnbluClient
Fired when the call UI is open or closed.
isCallUiOpen(SuccessCallback<Boolean>, NotInitializedExceptionCallback) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.UnbluClient
Checks whether the call UI for an audio or video call is open.
isCallUiOpenValue() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.conversation.UnbluConversation
isCameraUploadsEnabled() - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.configuration.UnbluClientConfiguration
isDeInitialized() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.UnbluClient
Checks if the UnbluClient instance is currently deinitialized
isInErrorState() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.UnbluClient
Checks if the UnbluClient is in an eror state.
isLowerThen(LogLevel) - Method in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.debug.LogLevel
Compares the current log level with another log level.
The lower the log level, the more verbose it is.
isMobileCoBrowsing() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.UnbluClient
Returns the a boolean flag, signaling if there is, or not, an ongoing cobrowsing session.
isMobileCoBrowsingActive() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.conversation.UnbluConversation
Triggered when the state of a mobile co-browsing session in the conversation switches between ACTIVE and INACTIVE.
isMobileCoBrowsingActiveValue() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.conversation.UnbluConversation
isModalViewVisible() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.UnbluClient
Observe if the Unblu view is presented as a modal view and is visible or not.
isModalViewVisibleValue() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.UnbluClient
Checks if the Unblu view is presented as a modal view and is visible or not.
isNotificationsEnabled() - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.configuration.UnbluClientConfiguration
isOpen() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.conversation.UnbluConversation
Triggered whenever this conversation opens/closes with Boolean value This Observable will always emit the current value
isOpenValue() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.conversation.UnbluConversation
isPhotoUploadsEnabled() - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.configuration.UnbluClientConfiguration
isRequestedByUser() - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.model.UiVisibilityRequestModel
Indicates whether the visibility change request was initiated by a user.
isVideoUploadsEnabled() - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.configuration.UnbluClientConfiguration


joinConversation(String, SuccessCallback<UnbluConversation>, InitConversationExceptionCallback) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.visitor.UnbluVisitorClient
joinConversation(String, SuccessCallback<UnbluConversation>, IUnbluJoinConversationErrorCallback) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.visitor.UnbluVisitorClient
Joins an Unblu co-browsing session that was started by an agent.


labels - Variable in class com.unblu.sdk.core.model.PersonInfo
The person's labels Note: This property is only available with version 8 and newer of the Unblu Collaboration Server.
LiveKitModuleProvider - Class in com.unblu.livekitmodule
Entry point to use the call functionality of Unblu to make audio and video calls with LiveKit.
LogLevel - Enum Class in com.unblu.sdk.core.debug
Level of log messages


MESSAGE - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.notification.UnbluNotificationTag
Sent when a chat notification message is sent
MISSED_CALL - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.notification.UnbluNotificationTag
Sent when an incoming call is missed or rejected
MISSED_CALL - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.ui.UnbluUiRequestReason
There was a missed call
MISSING_API_KEY - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype.UnbluClientErrorType
Error thrown if the API key doesn't exist on the Unblu Collaboration Server.
MOBILE_COBROWSING_REQUEST - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.model.ConversationType
(visitor initiated, visitor centered) A visitor creates an incoming embedded co-browsing conversation.
MOBILE_COBROWSING_STARTING - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.ui.UnbluUiHideRequestReason
Mobile co-browsing is starting
MobileCoBrowsingErrorType - Enum Class in com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype
Error type thrown when a mobile co-browsing action fails
MobileCoBrowsingExceptionCallback - Interface in com.unblu.sdk.core.callback
Callback for exceptions which can occur when trying to start or stop mobile co-browsing
MobileCoBrowsingModule - Interface in com.unblu.sdk.module.mobilecobrowsing
The API for the mobile co-browsing module.
MobileCoBrowsingModuleProvider - Class in com.unblu.sdk.module.mobilecobrowsing
Mobile Co-browsing module allowing share the screen of the app within an Unblu conversation.


NEW_MESSAGES - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.ui.UnbluUiRequestReason
There are one or more new messages
NO_SUCH_CONVERSATION_EXCEPTION - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype.UnbluJoinConversationErrorType
Error indicating that no such conversation exists when attempting to join.
NO_SUCH_INVITATION_ID_EXCEPTION - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype.UnbluJoinConversationErrorType
Error indicating that no such invitation ID exists when attempting to start/join the conversation.
NO_SUCH_INVITATION_TOKEN_EXCEPTION - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype.UnbluJoinConversationErrorType
Error indicating that no such invitation token exists when attempting to start/join the conversation.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.links.UnbluExternalLinkHandlingPolicy
Instructs Unblu to do nothing with the link.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.model.EConversationParticipationType
NONE - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.model.EConversationState
The conversation state is not specified.
NotificationInterceptor - Interface in com.unblu.sdk.core.notification
Defines a mechanism for intercepting notifications generated within an application before they're displayed.
NotInitializedExceptionCallback - Interface in com.unblu.sdk.core.callback
Callback for exceptions which can occur when the api is not initialized


OFFBOARDING - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.model.EConversationState
The conversation is in the process of being concluded, moving towards termination.
OFFLINE_CHAT_REQUEST - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.model.ConversationType
(visitor initiated, visitor centered) A visitor creates an incoming chat conversation while all agents are offline.
onAgentInitialized() - Static method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.Unblu
Fired when an UnbluAgentClient is available.
onApiDeInitialized() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.UnbluClient
Fired when the UnbluClient is deInitialized.
ONBOARDING - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.model.EConversationState
Depending of the engagement type of the conversation, the conversation stays in the onboarding state as long as the person in the center of the conversation is doing his onboarding
onConfigurationChanged(Configuration) - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.application.UnbluApplication
onConfigurationChanged(Configuration) - Static method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.application.UnbluApplicationHelper
Needs to be called when Application.onConfigurationChanged(Configuration) is invoked
onConfigureNotCalled() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.callback.InitializeExceptionCallback
onConversationsChanged() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.UnbluClient
Returns an Observable that emits a list of ConversationInfo objects whenever there are changes to the accessible conversations the user is a participant in.
onCreate() - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.application.UnbluApplication
onCreate() - Static method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.application.UnbluApplicationHelper
Needs to be called when Application.onCreate() is invoked
onCreate() - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.module.firebase_notification.UnbluFirebaseProvider
Lifecycle method
onCreate(Application) - Static method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.application.UnbluApplicationHelper
Needs to be called when Application.onCreate() is invoked
onCustomConversationActionInvocationReceived() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.UnbluClient
Handles the invocation of custom actions related to a conversation
onDeinitFailed(String) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.callback.DeinitializeExceptionCallback
General error which caused the API not to terminate.
onDisposeModal(Context) - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.ui.UnbluBottomSheetModalViewHandler
Disposes the current modal view.
onDisposeModal(Context) - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.ui.UnbluDefaultModalViewHandler
Disposes the current modal view.
onDisposeModal(Context) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.ui.UnbluModalViewHandler
Invoked when the modal UnbluView is to be disposed.
onDownloadStart(IApplicationStateProvider, String, String, String, String, long, String) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.configuration.UnbluDownloadHandler
Triggered whenever a download is started.
onDownloadStart(IApplicationStateProvider, String, String, String, String, long, String, String) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.configuration.UnbluDownloadHandler
Triggered whenever a download is started.
onEnd() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.ui.UnbluDefaultModalViewHandler.OnAnimationEndCallback
Method to be called when the animation ends.
onError() - Static method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.Unblu
Fired when an internal error occurs.
onError(UnbluClientErrorType, String) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.callback.GetPersonInfoAsyncErrorCallback
Called when an error of type UnbluClientErrorType occurs.
onError(UnbluClientErrorType, String) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.callback.IPersonLabelActionCallback
onExpandModal(Context, UnbluAnimationData, Function<UnbluDefaultModalViewHandler.OnAnimationEndCallback, Void>) - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.ui.UnbluDefaultModalViewHandler
Expands the modal view using the provided animation source data.
onFailedToOpen(OpenConversationErrorType, String) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.callback.OpenConversationExceptionCallback
Error while opening the conversation.
onFailedToOpenOverview(OpenConversationOverviewErrorType, String) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.callback.OpenConversationOverviewExceptionCallback
Error while opening the conversation overview.
onFailedToStartAudioCall(StartAudioCallErrorType, String) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.callback.StartAudioCallExceptionCallback
Error while starting an audio call.
onFailedToStartVideoCall(StartVideoCallErrorType, String) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.callback.StartVideoCallExceptionCallback
Error while starting an video call.
onIndicatorButtonClick() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.ui.IndicatorButtonClickInterceptor
onInErrorState() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.callback.InitializeExceptionCallback
UnbluClient is in an error state and should be deinitialized before you attempt to initialize it.
onInitFailed(UnbluClientErrorType, String) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.callback.InitializeExceptionCallback
A general error occurred that caused the API not to initialize.
onIntercept(UnbluNotification, UnbluNotificationTag) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.notification.NotificationInterceptor
Interceptor function that allows you to retrieve the notification and modify its contents before it's displayed.
onMessageCustomActionInvocationReceived() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.UnbluClient
Handles the invocation of custom actions related to a specific message in a conversation
onMessageReceived(RemoteMessage) - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.module.firebase_notification.UnbluFirebaseNotificationService
Called by Firebase when a message is received.
onMessageReceived(UnbluNotification, Context) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.notification.UnbluNotificationApi
This method should be called for each new notification.
onNewConversation(ConversationType, String, SuccessCallback<String>) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.visitor.ConversationInterceptor
An interceptor function called every time a new conversation is started from the UI or visitor SDK API.
onNewConversation(ConversationType, String, ConversationRecipient, ConversationInterceptCallback) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.visitor.ConversationInterceptorWithRecipient
An interceptor function called every time a new conversation is started from the UI or visitor SDK API.
onNewIntent(Bundle) - Static method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.application.UnbluApplicationHelper
You should implement this method on your Activity's Activity.onNewIntent(Intent), if you meet the following criteria:
onNoActiveActivity() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.callback.ShowUiExceptionCallback
Triggered when trying to show the UI, but there is currently no activity active
onNotificationIntercept(String, ConversationRecipient) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.callback.ConversationInterceptCallback
Called on each new conversation that is opened successfully.
onNotInitialized() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.callback.NotInitializedExceptionCallback
Api is not initialized.
onPersonActivityChanged() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.UnbluClient
Checks for the UTC timestamp of the user's last activity according to the Collaboration Server's configuration
onPersonChanged() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.UnbluClient
Fired when the current person changes
onPersonCustomActionInvocationReceived() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.UnbluClient
Handles the invocation of custom actions related to a person
onPresentAsModal(View, UnbluAnimationData) - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.ui.UnbluBottomSheetModalViewHandler
Displays the provided view as a modal with animation and transformations.
onPresentAsModal(View, UnbluAnimationData) - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.ui.UnbluDefaultModalViewHandler
Displays the provided view as a modal with animation and transformations.
onPresentAsModal(View, UnbluAnimationData) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.ui.UnbluModalViewHandler
Invoked when the UnbluView needs to be displayed as a modal.
onSuccess() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.callback.IPersonLabelActionCallback
onSuccess(T) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.callback.InitializeSuccessCallback
Called after the called operation was successfully executed
onSuccess(T) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.callback.SuccessCallback
Called after the called operation was successfully executed
onTerminate() - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.application.UnbluApplication
onTerminate() - Static method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.application.UnbluApplicationHelper
Needs to be called when Application.onTerminate() is invoked.
IMPORTANT: Needs to be called before the super call to Application.onTerminate()
onUiHideRequest() - Static method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.Unblu
Fired whenever the Unblu UI needs to be hidden.
onUiPreloaded() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.UnbluClient
Fired when the UI is preloaded.
onUiReady() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.UnbluClient
Fired when the UI is ready.
onUiVisibilityRequest() - Static method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.Unblu
Fired whenever the Unblu UI needs to be displayed.
onUiWasNeverShown() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.callback.StartAudioCallExceptionCallback
The ui must be at least shown once after initialization, otherwise this error is thrown.
onUiWasNeverShown() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.callback.StartVideoCallExceptionCallback
The ui must be at least shown once after initialization, otherwise this error is thrown.
onUnreadMessagesCount() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.UnbluClient
Fired when the number of unread messages changes, and if there are no longer any unread messages.
onVisitorInitialized() - Static method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.Unblu
Fired when an UnbluVisitorClient is available.
onWebViewDestroy() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.configuration.UnbluDownloadHandler
Called whenever the webView is destroyed.
onWebViewInitialize() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.configuration.UnbluDownloadHandler
Called whenever the webView is initialized.
open(SuccessVoidCallback, OpenConversationExceptionCallback) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.conversation.UnbluConversation
Opens the conversation.
OPEN - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.links.UnbluExternalLinkHandlingPolicy
Instructs Unblu to open the link
openConversation(String, SuccessVoidCallback, OpenConversationExceptionCallback) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.UnbluClient
Opens the conversation with the given ID
OpenConversationErrorType - Enum Class in com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype
Error type thrown when opening a conversation fails
OpenConversationExceptionCallback - Interface in com.unblu.sdk.core.callback
openConversationOverview(SuccessVoidCallback, OpenConversationOverviewExceptionCallback) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.UnbluClient
Opens the conversation overview
OpenConversationOverviewErrorType - Enum Class in com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype
Error type thrown when opening the conversation overview fails
OpenConversationOverviewExceptionCallback - Interface in com.unblu.sdk.core.callback
OTHER - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.ui.UnbluUiHideRequestReason
There is another not defined reason
OTHER - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.ui.UnbluUiRequestReason
There is another not defined reason


PersonInfo - Class in com.unblu.sdk.core.model
Information about a person
PersonInfo(String, String) - Constructor for class com.unblu.sdk.core.model.PersonInfo
PersonInfo(String, String, List<String>) - Constructor for class com.unblu.sdk.core.model.PersonInfo
PrivateArea - Class in com.unblu.sdk.module.mobilecobrowsing
Class used to update manual private areas for overlaying views while mobile co-browsing.
PrivateArea(String, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.unblu.sdk.module.mobilecobrowsing.PrivateArea
Properties() - Constructor for class com.unblu.sdk.core.ui.UnbluBottomSheetModalViewHandler.Properties
pullDownIndicatorColor - Static variable in class com.unblu.sdk.core.ui.UnbluBottomSheetModalViewHandler.Properties
pushNotificationReceived(Context, Map<String, String>, UnbluNotificationApi) - Static method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.notification.UnbluNotificationApi
Checks whether the data of a notification belongs to an Unblu notification If it happens to be an Unblu notification, it will be decrypted and passed on to the UnbluNotificationApi instance,
put(String, String) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.configuration.UnbluPreferencesStorage
Stores a preference in the storage.


query(Uri, String[], String, String[], String) - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.module.firebase_notification.UnbluFirebaseProvider
Empty implementation; not needed for Firebase
QUEUE - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.notification.UnbluNotificationTag
Sent when a new chat request is added to the queue, redeemed, forwarded or a similar action occurs.
QUEUED - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.model.EConversationState
Depending of the engagement type of the conversation, the conversation is put in the queued state when it is inside the queue.


REBOARDING - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.model.EConversationState
When a message is send to an unassigned conversation, the conversation first is put into the reboarding state as long as the person in the center of the conversation is doing the reboarding.
REDEEM_TOKEN_EXCEPTION - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype.UnbluJoinConversationErrorType
Error indicating a failure in redeeming a token when attempting to start/join the conversation.
registerModule(UnbluModule) - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.configuration.UnbluClientConfiguration.Builder
Registers a module that you want to use in your app, for example, for calls or mobile co-browsing.
removePersonLabel(String, IPersonLabelActionCallback) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.UnbluClient
Removes a label from the current person.
removePrivateArea(String) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.module.mobilecobrowsing.MobileCoBrowsingModule
Removes the private area with the given ID.
removePrivateView(int) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.module.mobilecobrowsing.MobileCoBrowsingModule
Removes the view with the given ID from the Set of private views.
RENEW_TOKEN_EXCEPTION - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype.UnbluJoinConversationErrorType
Error indicating a failure in renewing a token when attempting to start/join the conversation.
REQUESTED_BY_USER - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.ui.UnbluUiHideRequestReason
User requested hiding of the ui


SECONDARY_AGENT - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.model.EConversationParticipationType
SECONDARY_VISITOR - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.model.EConversationParticipationType
SERVER_UNREACHABLE - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype.UnbluClientErrorType
Error thrown if the Unblu Collaboration Server is unreachable.
setAccessToken(String) - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.configuration.UnbluClientConfiguration.Builder
Defines the access token for visitor single sign-on (SSO).
setAccessToken(String) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.UnbluClient
Sets the OAuth 2.0 token to pass to the service worker and add to the HTTP header
setActiveConversationIndicatorButtonClickInterceptor(IndicatorButtonClickInterceptor) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.UnbluClient
Sets an IndicatorButtonClickInterceptor to the client.
setActiveConversationIndicatorIcon(UnbluImageResourceWrapper) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.UnbluClient
Sets the icon used for the active conversation floating indicator within the application's user interface.
setApiKey(String) - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.configuration.UnbluClientConfiguration.Builder
Sets the Unblu API key within this Builder instance.
setApplicationContext(Application) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.UnbluClient
Sets the application context.
setAudioUploadsEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.configuration.UnbluClientConfiguration.Builder
Enables or disables direct audio uploads from the app.
setAutoHideUiOnBack(boolean) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.UnbluClient
If true, the Unblu UI is automatically hidden if the user presses the native back button and no further back navigation within the Unblu UI is possible.
The method has no effect if you added a BackButtonCallback to handle back button presses by calling UnbluClient.setBackButtonCallback(com.unblu.sdk.core.callback.BackButtonCallback).
setBackButtonCallback(BackButtonCallback) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.UnbluClient
Defines the callback for native back button presses while the Unblu UI is displayed.
If it is null, the SDK will handle all back button presses itself.
setBackButtonPressTriggerEvent(BackButtonPressTriggerEvent) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.UnbluClient
Defines the event type that triggers a back button press
setBody(String) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.notification.UnbluNotification
Sets the body of the notification
setCallIndicatorButtonClickInterceptor(IndicatorButtonClickInterceptor) - Method in interface
Sets an interceptor for call indicator button clicks.
setCameraUploadsEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.configuration.UnbluClientConfiguration.Builder
Enables or disables direct uploads from the camera app.
setCertificateChain(X509Certificate[]) - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.model.UnbluClientCertRequestData
Sets the certificate chain.
setChannelId(String) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.notification.UnbluNotification
Sets the ID of the channel for Unblu notifications
setCobrowsingIndicatorButtonClickInterceptor(IndicatorButtonClickInterceptor) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.module.mobilecobrowsing.MobileCoBrowsingModule
Sets an IndicatorButtonClickInterceptor on the module.
setCoBrowsingIndicatorIcon(UnbluImageResourceWrapper) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.module.mobilecobrowsing.MobileCoBrowsingModule
Sets the icon used as a floating indicator within the application's user interface.
setCollapseUIButtonClickInterceptor(IndicatorButtonClickInterceptor) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.UnbluClient
Sets an IndicatorButtonClickInterceptor to the client.
setConversationInterceptor(ConversationInterceptor) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.visitor.UnbluVisitorClient
setConversationInterceptor(ConversationInterceptorWithRecipient) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.visitor.UnbluVisitorClient
Set the given conversation interceptor which is triggered for each new conversation.
setCustomCookies(Set<UnbluCookie>) - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.configuration.UnbluClientConfiguration.Builder
Configures a Set of cookies which will be set on the configured base URL.
setCustomCookies(Set<UnbluCookie>) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.UnbluClient
Sets the given cookies for the configured Unblu base URL.
setCustomLoadingViewCreator(ICustomLoadingViewCreator) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.UnbluClient
Sets a custom loading view creator.
setData(Map<String, String>) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.notification.UnbluNotification
Sets the additional data for the Unblu notification.
setDeviceToken(String) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.notification.UnbluNotificationApi
Sets the push notification token to be used to send notifications
setDownloadHandler(UnbluDownloadHandler) - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.configuration.UnbluClientConfiguration.Builder
Defines the handler for downloads.
setEntryPath(String) - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.configuration.UnbluClientConfiguration.Builder
Sets the Unblu entry path to connect to the Unblu server.
setHeight(int) - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.module.mobilecobrowsing.PrivateArea
setIcon(int) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.notification.UnbluNotification
Sets the icon resource ID for Unblu notifications
setId(String) - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.model.ConversationRecipient
Sets the ID of the conversation recipient
setIncomingCallsNotificationChannelId(Context, String) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.notification.UnbluNotificationApi
Sets and creates the NotificationChannel for incoming calls
setInternalUrlPatternWhitelist(List<Pattern>) - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.configuration.UnbluClientConfiguration.Builder
Sets the list of URL patterns that may be accessed by the WebView.
setLanguage(String) - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.configuration.UnbluClientConfiguration.Builder
Sets the language to send to the Unblu server.
setLiveKitLogLevel(LoggingLevel) - Static method in class com.unblu.livekitmodule.LiveKitModuleProvider
Sets the LiveKit log level
setLogLevel(LogLevel) - Static method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.Unblu
Sets the log level of the Unblu SDK.
setMissedCallsNotificationChannelId(Context, String) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.notification.UnbluNotificationApi
Sets and creates the NotificationChannel for missed calls
setModalMode(Boolean) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.UnbluClient
Manually set the unblu UI state as modal(no Unblu back button visible).
setModalViewEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.UnbluClient
Enables/Disables the Unblu view to be presented as a modal view.
setNamedArea(String) - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.configuration.UnbluClientConfiguration.Builder
Sets the named area for which the configuration is loaded when the API is initializing.
setNamedArea(String) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.visitor.UnbluVisitorClient
Sets or updates the named area for the queue.
setNewMessagesNotificationChannelId(Context, String) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.notification.UnbluNotificationApi
Sets and creates the NotificationChannel for new messages
setNotificationInterceptor(NotificationInterceptor) - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.configuration.UnbluClientConfiguration.Builder
Specifies a notification interceptor to transform notification before they're displayed.
setNotificationsEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.configuration.UnbluClientConfiguration.Builder
Enables or disables notifications via Unblu.
setOAuthToken(String) - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.configuration.UnbluClientConfiguration.Builder
Sets the initial OAuth 2.0 token received from an identity provider.
setPhotoUploadsEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.configuration.UnbluClientConfiguration.Builder
Enables or disables direct photo uploads from the camera app.
setPreferencesStorage(UnbluPreferencesStorage) - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.configuration.UnbluClientConfiguration.Builder
Defines the storage implementation to save and retrieve preferences of the SDK.
A default implementation can be used via UnbluPreferencesStorage.createSharedPreferencesStorage(Context).
setPrivateArea(String, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.module.mobilecobrowsing.MobileCoBrowsingModule
Adds or updates a private area with the given size and position.
setPrivateKey(PrivateKey) - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.model.UnbluClientCertRequestData
Sets the private key.
setSound(String) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.notification.UnbluNotification
Specifies the name of the sound to use for Unblu notifications.
setTitle(String) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.notification.UnbluNotification
Sets the title of the notification
setType(ConversationRecipientType) - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.model.ConversationRecipient
Sets the type of the conversation recipient
setUnbluBaseUrl(String) - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.configuration.UnbluClientConfiguration.Builder
Sets the base URL of the Unblu server (http(s)://domain:port)
setUnbluClientCertRequestData(UnbluClientCertRequestData) - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.configuration.UnbluClientConfiguration.Builder
Defines the UnbluClientCertRequestData data required for a client certificate request in the Unblu SDK.
setUnbluExternalLinkHandler(UnbluExternalLinkHandler) - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.configuration.UnbluClientConfiguration.Builder
Sets the list of link patterns that may be opened in the system browser.
setUnbluIncomingCallUiConfiguration(Context, UnbluIncomingCallUiConfigurationStub) - Static method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.notification.UnbluNotificationApi
setUnbluModaViewHandler(UnbluModalViewHandler) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.UnbluClient
Defines the Handler for display Unblu as modal view
setVideoUploadsEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.configuration.UnbluClientConfiguration.Builder
Enables or disables direct video uploads from the camera app.
setViewDrawCache(Bitmap) - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.ui.UnbluAnimationData
Set a cached bitmap representation of the view that can be used for animations and transformations.
setWidth(int) - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.module.mobilecobrowsing.PrivateArea
setX(int) - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.module.mobilecobrowsing.PrivateArea
setY(int) - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.module.mobilecobrowsing.PrivateArea
shouldPresentAsModal() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.ui.UnbluModalViewHandler
Invoked when Unblu needs to assess whether it should be presented modally.
ShowUiExceptionCallback - Interface in com.unblu.sdk.core.callback
Callback for exceptions which can occur when showing/hidding the Unblu UI
startAudioCall(SuccessVoidCallback, StartAudioCallExceptionCallback) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.conversation.UnbluConversation
Opens the conversation in the background and starts an audio call.
StartAudioCallErrorType - Enum Class in com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype
Error type thrown when starting an audio call fails
StartAudioCallExceptionCallback - Interface in com.unblu.sdk.core.callback
Callback for exceptions which can occur when starting an audio call failed
startMobileCoBrowsing(SuccessVoidCallback, MobileCoBrowsingExceptionCallback) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.conversation.UnbluConversation
Opens the conversation in the background and launches mobile co-browsing.
startNewConversation(ConversationType, SuccessCallback<UnbluConversation>, InitConversationExceptionCallback) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.visitor.UnbluVisitorClient
Starts a new conversation with the given conversation type.
startNewConversation(ConversationType, String, SuccessCallback<UnbluConversation>, InitConversationExceptionCallback) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.visitor.UnbluVisitorClient
Starts a new conversation with the given conversation type.
startNewConversation(ConversationType, String, ConversationRecipient, SuccessCallback<UnbluConversation>, InitConversationExceptionCallback) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.visitor.UnbluVisitorClient
Starts a new conversation with the given conversation type.
startVideoCall(SuccessVoidCallback, StartVideoCallExceptionCallback) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.conversation.UnbluConversation
Opens the conversation in the background and starts a video call.
StartVideoCallErrorType - Enum Class in com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype
Error type thrown when starting a video call fails
StartVideoCallExceptionCallback - Interface in com.unblu.sdk.core.callback
Callback for exceptions which can occur when starting an video call failed
StopLayerErrorType - Enum Class in com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype
Error type thrown when stopping a collaboration layer
stopMobileCoBrowsing(SuccessVoidCallback, MobileCoBrowsingExceptionCallback) - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.conversation.UnbluConversation
Stops mobile co-browsing in the conversation.
SuccessCallback<T> - Interface in com.unblu.sdk.core.callback
Callback which is triggered if an operation succeeded.
SuccessVoidCallback - Interface in com.unblu.sdk.core.callback
Empty callback which signalizes that an operation succeeded when it's called.
SwitchToLayerErrorType - Enum Class in com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype
Error type thrown when switching to a collaboration layer


TEAM - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.model.ConversationRecipientType
The recipient type of a conversation is a team
toString() - Method in interface com.unblu.sdk.core.model.ConversationParticipantInfo
Provides a string representation of the participant, typically for logging or display purposes.
toString() - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.model.PersonInfo
toString() - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.module.mobilecobrowsing.PrivateArea


UiHideRequestModel - Class in com.unblu.sdk.core.model
Represents a model for requesting the hiding of the Unblu UI component.
UiHideRequestModel(UnbluUiHideRequestReason, String) - Constructor for class com.unblu.sdk.core.model.UiHideRequestModel
Constructs a new instance of UiHideRequestModel with a specific hide reason and conversation ID.
UiVisibilityRequestModel - Class in com.unblu.sdk.core.model
Encapsulates a request to change the visibility of the Unblu UI component within the app.
UiVisibilityRequestModel(UnbluUiRequestReason, String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.unblu.sdk.core.model.UiVisibilityRequestModel
Constructs a new UiVisibilityRequestModel with the specified parameters for the visibility change request.
UNASSIGNED - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.model.EConversationState
After there is no assignee of a conversation anymore, the conversation goes to unassigned state until a message from a visitor is written to start reboarding again.
Unblu - Class in com.unblu.sdk.core
This class is the entry point where any implementation of the Unblu Mobile SDK should begin so that an end user can use Unblu.
UNBLU_CLIENT_NOT_INITIALIZED - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype.MobileCoBrowsingErrorType
The Unblu client isn't initialized
UNBLU_CLIENT_NOT_INITIALIZED - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype.OpenConversationErrorType
The Unblu client isn't initialized
UNBLU_CLIENT_NOT_INITIALIZED - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype.OpenConversationOverviewErrorType
The Unblu client isn't initialized
UNBLU_CLIENT_NOT_INITIALIZED - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype.StartAudioCallErrorType
The Unblu client isn't initialized
UNBLU_CLIENT_NOT_INITIALIZED - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype.StartVideoCallErrorType
The Unblu client isn't initialized
UnbluAgentClient - Interface in com.unblu.sdk.core.agent
The API for agents to access Unblu functionality such as chat or audio and video calls.
UnbluAnimationData - Class in com.unblu.sdk.core.ui
Defines the animation start data when display the Unblu UI modally
UnbluAnimationData(int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.unblu.sdk.core.ui.UnbluAnimationData
UnbluAnimationData(int, int, int, int, int, Bitmap) - Constructor for class com.unblu.sdk.core.ui.UnbluAnimationData
UnbluApplication - Class in com.unblu.sdk.core.application
Ensures that your app's state changes are propagated to the SDK, for example, orientation changes.
UnbluApplication() - Constructor for class com.unblu.sdk.core.application.UnbluApplication
UnbluApplicationHelper - Class in com.unblu.sdk.core.application
A helper class that can be used instead of inheriting from UnbluApplication and its visitor and agent implementations.
All the functions of UnbluApplicationHelper must be called in your Application implementation.
UnbluApplicationHelper() - Constructor for class com.unblu.sdk.core.application.UnbluApplicationHelper
UnbluBottomSheetModalViewHandler - Class in com.unblu.sdk.core.ui
UnbluBottomSheetModalViewHandler() - Constructor for class com.unblu.sdk.core.ui.UnbluBottomSheetModalViewHandler
UnbluBottomSheetModalViewHandler.Properties - Class in com.unblu.sdk.core.ui
UnbluClient - Interface in com.unblu.sdk.core
Common interface for Unblu clients.
UnbluClientCertRequestData - Class in com.unblu.sdk.core.model
Represents the data required for proceeding with a client certificate request in the Unblu SDK.
UnbluClientCertRequestData(PrivateKey, X509Certificate[]) - Constructor for class com.unblu.sdk.core.model.UnbluClientCertRequestData
Constructs a new UnbluClientCertRequestData instance with the specified private key and certificate chain.
UnbluClientConfiguration - Class in com.unblu.sdk.core.configuration
Configuration for the UnbluClient.
UnbluClientConfiguration() - Constructor for class com.unblu.sdk.core.configuration.UnbluClientConfiguration
UnbluClientConfiguration.Builder - Class in com.unblu.sdk.core.configuration
UnbluClientErrorType - Enum Class in com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype
Enum representing different types of errors that can occur within the UnbluClient.
UnbluConversation - Interface in com.unblu.sdk.core.conversation
Defines the contract for managing conversations in Unblu.
UnbluCookie - Class in com.unblu.sdk.core.configuration
Cookie representation for the Unblu sdk
UnbluCookie(String, String) - Constructor for class com.unblu.sdk.core.configuration.UnbluCookie
Constructs an UnbluCookie object from the parameters provided.
UnbluCookie(String, String, Date) - Constructor for class com.unblu.sdk.core.configuration.UnbluCookie
Constructs an UnbluCookie object from the parameters provided
UnbluCookie(HttpCookie) - Constructor for class com.unblu.sdk.core.configuration.UnbluCookie
Constructs an UnbluCookie object from a HttpCookie object.
UnbluCustomActionInvocation - Interface in com.unblu.sdk.core.conversation.customaction
An interface for custom actions performed in Unblu.
UnbluCustomConversationActionInvocation - Interface in com.unblu.sdk.core.conversation.customaction
An extension of the UnbluCustomActionInvocation interface for custom actions invoked on a conversation
UnbluDefaultModalViewHandler - Class in com.unblu.sdk.core.ui
UnbluDefaultModalViewHandler() - Constructor for class com.unblu.sdk.core.ui.UnbluDefaultModalViewHandler
UnbluDefaultModalViewHandler.OnAnimationEndCallback - Interface in com.unblu.sdk.core.ui
Callback interface for indicating the end of an animation.
UnbluDownloadHandler - Interface in com.unblu.sdk.core.configuration
Handler for downloads.
UnbluExternalLinkHandler - Interface in com.unblu.sdk.core.links
Interface for handling external links tapped within Unblu.
UnbluExternalLinkHandlingPolicy - Enum Class in com.unblu.sdk.core.links
Describes the actions Unblu should take when external links are tapped in a conversation
UnbluFirebaseNotificationService - Class in com.unblu.sdk.module.firebase_notification
Handles incoming remote messages, that is, push notifications from Firebase.
UnbluFirebaseNotificationService() - Constructor for class com.unblu.sdk.module.firebase_notification.UnbluFirebaseNotificationService
UnbluFirebaseProvider - Class in com.unblu.sdk.module.firebase_notification
Custom contentProvider whose purpose is to initialize the contentProvider when the apps starts so as to provide the FCM token to the Collaboration Server.
UnbluFirebaseProvider() - Constructor for class com.unblu.sdk.module.firebase_notification.UnbluFirebaseProvider
UnbluImageResourceWrapper - Class in com.unblu.sdk.core.ui
A wrapper class used to represent different types of image resources, This class provides a way to abstract the handling of drawable resources, ImageVector resources and URLs, allowing them to be used when displaying the floating conversation indicator
UnbluImageResourceWrapper() - Constructor for class com.unblu.sdk.core.ui.UnbluImageResourceWrapper
UnbluImageResourceWrapper.Drawable - Class in com.unblu.sdk.core.ui
UnbluImageResourceWrapper.ImageVectorResource - Class in com.unblu.sdk.core.ui
UnbluImageResourceWrapper.Url - Class in com.unblu.sdk.core.ui
UnbluJoinConversationErrorType - Enum Class in com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype
Error type thrown when joining a conversation fails.
UnbluMessageCustomActionInvocation - Interface in com.unblu.sdk.core.conversation.customaction
An extension of the UnbluCustomActionInvocation interface for custom actions invoked on a message.
UnbluModalViewHandler - Interface in com.unblu.sdk.core.ui
Interface for a handler responsible for displaying the UnbluView as a modal.
UnbluModule - Interface in com.unblu.sdk.core
An interface for the modules you can use in the SDK.
UnbluNav - Interface in com.unblu.sdk.core.ui
The `UnbluNav` interface provides a way to navigate through the SDK's main view that you can retrieve with UnbluClient.getMainView().
UnbluNavUtil - Class in com.unblu.sdk.core.ui
A helper class to retrieve the UnbluNav implementation from a given View instance.
UnbluNavUtil() - Constructor for class com.unblu.sdk.core.ui.UnbluNavUtil
UnbluNotification - Interface in com.unblu.sdk.core.notification
Interface defining the structure and capabilities of notifications generated by the Unblu suite.
UnbluNotificationApi - Interface in com.unblu.sdk.core.notification
This is a low-level notification API.
You should get an instance of this interface by calling UnbluNotificationApi.createNotificationApi() early on in the initialization process.
UnbluNotificationTag - Enum Class in com.unblu.sdk.core.notification
Possible values of the notification event tag.
UnbluPatternMatchingExternalLinkHandler - Class in com.unblu.sdk.core.links
An implementation of the UnbluExternalLinkHandler interface.
UnbluPatternMatchingExternalLinkHandler() - Constructor for class com.unblu.sdk.core.links.UnbluPatternMatchingExternalLinkHandler
Default constructor.
UnbluPatternMatchingExternalLinkHandler(List<Pattern>) - Constructor for class com.unblu.sdk.core.links.UnbluPatternMatchingExternalLinkHandler
This constructor allows the user to pass in a custom list of Patterns.
UnbluPersonCustomActionInvocation - Interface in com.unblu.sdk.core.conversation.customaction
An extension of the UnbluCustomActionInvocation interface for custom actions invoked on a person.
UnbluPreferencesStorage - Interface in com.unblu.sdk.core.configuration
Interface which can be implemented to store the preferences of Unblu at a custom location.
This is useful if encryption should used.
UnbluProvider - Interface in com.unblu.sdk.core
An interface for the modules you can use in the SDK.
UnbluUiHideRequestReason - Enum Class in com.unblu.sdk.core.ui
Send with the UiHideRequestModel.
UnbluUiRequestReason - Enum Class in com.unblu.sdk.core.ui
UnbluVisitorClient - Interface in com.unblu.sdk.core.visitor
The client for visitors to access the Unblu suite functionality like chat, co-browsing etc.
UNDEFINED - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype.UnbluJoinConversationErrorType
UNEXPECTED_EXECUTION_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype.InitConversationErrorType
Unexpected execution error occurred while attempting to start or join the conversation.
UNEXPECTED_EXECUTION_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype.MobileCoBrowsingErrorType
Unexpected co-browsing action execution error
UNEXPECTED_EXECUTION_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype.OpenConversationErrorType
An unexpected error occurred when trying to open the conversation
UNEXPECTED_EXECUTION_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype.OpenConversationOverviewErrorType
An unexpected error occurred when trying to open the conversation overview
UNEXPECTED_EXECUTION_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype.StartAudioCallErrorType
An unexpected error occurred when trying to start an audio call
UNEXPECTED_EXECUTION_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype.StartVideoCallErrorType
An unexpected error occurred when trying to start a video call
UNEXPECTED_EXECUTION_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype.StopLayerErrorType
An unexpected error occurred when trying to stop the collaboration layer
UNEXPECTED_EXECUTION_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype.SwitchToLayerErrorType
An unexpected error occurred when trying to switch to the collaboration layer
UNIVERSAL_COBROWSING - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.model.ConversationType
(visitor initiated, visitor centered) A visitor creates an universal co-browsing conversation.
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.notification.UnbluNotificationTag
Sent when there is no specific notification tag
UNKNOWN_FUNCTION - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype.UnbluClientErrorType
Internal error that prevents the Unblu SDK from communicating with the Unblu Collaboration Server.
unregisterModule(UnbluModule) - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.core.configuration.UnbluClientConfiguration.Builder
Unregisters a module which should no longer be used, for example, for calls or mobile co-browsing.
UNSUPPORTED_VERSION - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype.UnbluClientErrorType
Error thrown if the version of the mobile SDK isn't compatible with the version of the Unblu Collaboration Server.
UnsupportedCollaborationServerVersionException - Exception in com.unblu.sdk.core.callback
Exception thrown if an API call isn't supported because of the Collaboration Server version.
UnsupportedCollaborationServerVersionException() - Constructor for exception com.unblu.sdk.core.callback.UnsupportedCollaborationServerVersionException
Constructs a new exception without any additional information
UnsupportedCollaborationServerVersionException(String) - Constructor for exception com.unblu.sdk.core.callback.UnsupportedCollaborationServerVersionException
Constructs a new exception with a detailed message
UnsupportedCollaborationServerVersionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.unblu.sdk.core.callback.UnsupportedCollaborationServerVersionException
Constructs a new exception with a detailed message and a cause
UnsupportedCollaborationServerVersionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.unblu.sdk.core.callback.UnsupportedCollaborationServerVersionException
Constructs a new exception with a cause
UP - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.model.BackButtonPressTriggerEvent
The event triggered because the button was released.
update(Uri, ContentValues, String, String[]) - Method in class com.unblu.sdk.module.firebase_notification.UnbluFirebaseProvider
Empty implementation; not needed for Firebase
Url(String) - Constructor for class com.unblu.sdk.core.ui.UnbluImageResourceWrapper.Url
USE_CUSTOM_HANDLER - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.ui.IndicatorButtonClickInterceptor.ClickInterceptorResult
Use a custom handler to handle the click event.
USE_INTERNAL_HANDLER - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.ui.IndicatorButtonClickInterceptor.ClickInterceptorResult
Use the internal handler to handle the click event.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.debug.LogLevel
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype.InitConversationErrorType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype.MobileCoBrowsingErrorType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype.OpenConversationErrorType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype.OpenConversationOverviewErrorType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype.StartAudioCallErrorType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype.StartVideoCallErrorType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype.StopLayerErrorType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype.SwitchToLayerErrorType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype.UnbluClientErrorType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype.UnbluJoinConversationErrorType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.links.UnbluExternalLinkHandlingPolicy
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.model.BackButtonPressTriggerEvent
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.model.ConversationRecipientType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.model.ConversationType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.model.EConversationParticipationType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.model.EConversationState
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.notification.UnbluNotificationTag
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.ui.IndicatorButtonClickInterceptor.ClickInterceptorResult
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.ui.UnbluUiHideRequestReason
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.ui.UnbluUiRequestReason
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.debug.LogLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype.InitConversationErrorType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype.MobileCoBrowsingErrorType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype.OpenConversationErrorType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype.OpenConversationOverviewErrorType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype.StartAudioCallErrorType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype.StartVideoCallErrorType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype.StopLayerErrorType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype.SwitchToLayerErrorType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype.UnbluClientErrorType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.errortype.UnbluJoinConversationErrorType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.links.UnbluExternalLinkHandlingPolicy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.model.BackButtonPressTriggerEvent
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.model.ConversationRecipientType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.model.ConversationType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.model.EConversationParticipationType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.model.EConversationState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.notification.UnbluNotificationTag
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.ui.IndicatorButtonClickInterceptor.ClickInterceptorResult
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.ui.UnbluUiHideRequestReason
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.ui.UnbluUiRequestReason
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
VERBOSE - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.debug.LogLevel
Verbose messages.
VIDEO_REQUEST - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.model.ConversationType
(visitor initiated, visitor centered) A visitor creates an incoming video conversation.
VISITOR_COBROWSING - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.model.ConversationType
(Api initiated, visitor centered) A visitor creates a conversation via API which is not added to the queue and where he can invite other visitor to do embedded


WARN - Enum constant in enum class com.unblu.sdk.core.debug.LogLevel
Warning messages
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