
public class UnbluAuthenticationChallengeHandler
extension UnbluAuthenticationChallengeHandler: AuthenticationChallengeDelegate

The authentication challenge handler provided by Unblu allows you to provide certificate Data and public keys to be used in certificate pinning. You can provide as many certificates as you want. If using this class, you should initialize using UnbluAuthenticationChallengeCertificate or a dictionary containing UnbluAuthenticationChallengePolicy objects.

Example of initialization using UnbluAuthenticationChallengeCertificate:

 do {
     let certificate = try UnbluAuthenticationChallengeCertificate(name: "certificate", extension: "cer")
     let challengeHandler = UnbluAuthenticationChallengeHandler(data: [certificate])
 } catch {


Example of initialization using UnbluAuthenticationChallengePolicy:

 do {
     let certificate = try UnbluAuthenticationChallengeCertificate(name: "certificate", extension: "cer")
     let policies = [
         "example.com": UnbluAuthenticationChallengePolicy(certificates: [certificate])
     let challengeHandler = UnbluAuthenticationChallengeHandler(policies: policies)
 } catch {

  • Initializes the class with an Array of UnbluAuthenticationChallengeCertificate objects and no hosts to check against.

    Example of initialization:

     do {
         let certificate = try UnbluAuthenticationChallengeCertificate(name: "certificate", extension: "cer")
         let challengeHandler = UnbluAuthenticationChallengeHandler(data: [certificate])
     } catch {



    public convenience init(data: [UnbluAuthenticationChallengeCertificate])



    An Array of UnbluAuthenticationChallengeCertificate objects representing the certificates to check when the UnbluCoreSDK receives an authentication challenge.

  • Initializes the class with a Dictionary of policies and their respective host.

    Example of initialization:

     do {
         let certificate = try UnbluAuthenticationChallengeCertificate(name: "certificate", extension: "cer")
         let policies = [
             "example.com": UnbluAuthenticationChallengePolicy(certificates: [certificate])
         let challengeHandler = UnbluAuthenticationChallengeHandler(policies: policies)
     } catch {



    public convenience init(policies: [String : UnbluAuthenticationChallengePolicy])



    A Dictionary containing Key Value pairs for a host and an UnbluAuthenticationChallengePolicy. In order for a policy to be satisfied, the Key value must match the host name in a leaf certificate for a given challenge AND the challenge certificate must match a certificate defined in UnbluAuthenticationChallengePolicy.

  • Initializes the class with a Dictionary of policies and their respective hosts and/or with the filename and password of a PKCS12 file for client certificate authentication (mTLS).




    public convenience init(policies: [String : UnbluAuthenticationChallengePolicy], pkcs12FileName: String = "", pkcs12Password: String = "")



    A Dictionary containing key-value pairs for a host and an UnbluAuthenticationChallengePolicy. For a policy to be satisfied, the key must match the host name in a leaf certificate for a given challenge AND the challenge certificate must match a certificate defined in UnbluAuthenticationChallengePolicy.

  • Initializes the class with the filename and password of a PKCS12 file for client certificate authentication (mTLS). This initialization is for cases that are only supposed to use only client certificate authentication.



    public convenience init(pkcs12FileName: String, pkcs12Password: String)
