
The following classes are available globally.

  • The authentication challenge handler provided by Unblu allows you to provide certificate Data and public keys to be used in certificate pinning. You can provide as many certificates as you want. If using this class, you should initialize using UnbluAuthenticationChallengeCertificate or a dictionary containing UnbluAuthenticationChallengePolicy objects.

    Example of initialization using UnbluAuthenticationChallengeCertificate:

     do {
         let certificate = try UnbluAuthenticationChallengeCertificate(name: "certificate", extension: "cer")
         let challengeHandler = UnbluAuthenticationChallengeHandler(data: [certificate])
     } catch {

    Example of initialization using UnbluAuthenticationChallengePolicy:

     do {
         let certificate = try UnbluAuthenticationChallengeCertificate(name: "certificate", extension: "cer")
         let policies = [
             "": UnbluAuthenticationChallengePolicy(certificates: [certificate])
         let challengeHandler = UnbluAuthenticationChallengeHandler(policies: policies)
     } catch {
    See more



    public class UnbluAuthenticationChallengeHandler
    extension UnbluAuthenticationChallengeHandler: AuthenticationChallengeDelegate
  • Provides a default basic implementation of the UnbluExternalLinkHandler. Use this class when assigning an external link handler to the UnbluClientConfiguration.

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    public class UnbluDefaultExternalLinkHandler : UnbluExternalLinkHandler
  • Information about a person

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    public class PersonActivityInfo
    extension PersonActivityInfo: Equatable
  • Information about a person

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    public class PersonInfo
    extension PersonInfo: Equatable
  • Declaration


    public class UnbluEncryptedNotificationServiceHelper
  • Interface to use notifications with unblu. As Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) SDK is build as a static library, we can not include it here. Most functions of this api should be called for specific notification callbacks typically fired in the AppDelegate.

    Unblu will display/handle notifications as shown in the following table. Api helper to check mainly if notifications are from unblu or not

    Unblu will display/handle notifications as shown in the following table.

    | App state | New Message | Incoming Call |

    | background | show notification | show notification |

    | foreground unblu UI closed | show notification | Trigger UnbluUiEventApi.UiVisibilityRequest |

    | foreground unblu UI open | Does nothing | Does nothing |

    Whenever a notification is clicked, the event UnbluUiEventApi.UiVisibilityRequest is triggered.

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    public class UnbluNotificationApi : NSObject, UnbluNotificationApiProtocol
    extension UnbluNotificationApi : AVSpeechSynthesizerDelegate
  • A notification center delegate which checks if a notification is from unblu or not. it will then decide to display it or not, while the app is open. This handler is always set at startapp to the current notification center. If you want to use your own implementation of UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate, you can instanciate a new instance of this class and provide a delegate to it. Then assign it to the current UNNotificationCenter. This class will then forward all requests (except for the unblu notifications) to your implementation.

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    public class UnbluNotificationCenterDelegate : NSObject, UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate
  • The default file downloader provided by Unblu. Use this when configuring the UnbluCoreSDK unless you want to provide your own file downloader. In that case, provide a file conforming to the UnbluFileDownloader protocol.

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    public class UnbluDefaultFileDownloadHandler : NSObject, UnbluFileDownloadHandlerWithAuthorizationToken
  • When this class is passed to the CoreSDK at configuration, Unblu will store certain preferences securely in the Keychain.

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    public class UnbluKeychainPreferencesStorage : UnbluPreferencesStorage
  • Default implementation to store SDK preferences.

    Uses the UserDefaults.standard of the app.

    The values are not encrypted.

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    public class UserDefaultsPreferencesStorage : UnbluPreferencesStorage
  • A class representing configuration properties for the hidden Unblu UIWindow. Unblu uses a hidden UIWindow to make sure the connection with Unblu remains active in the background when the Unblu UI is closed.

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    public class UnbluHiddenUIWindowConfiguration
  • Facilitates notifications with Firebase. You should only use this if you’re not inheriting your AppDelegate from UnbluFirebaseUIApplicationDelegate.

    See more



    public class UnbluFirebaseNotificationCoordinator : NSObject
    extension UnbluFirebaseNotificationCoordinator: MessagingDelegate
  • Basic implementation of UIApplicationDelegate which overrides some application notification api callbacks for easy Firebase integration. Always call the super implementation of the delegate first, before handling the functions by your own.

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    open class UnbluFirebaseUIApplicationDelegate : UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate
    extension UnbluFirebaseUIApplicationDelegate: UnbluFirebaseNotificationCoordinatorDelegate
  • Entry point to use the mobile co-browsing functionality of Unblu to share the screen of the app. This module has to be registered via UnbluClientConfiguration.register(module: ...). To use the api of the UnbluMobileCoBrowsingModule in the application, use UnbluMobileCoBrowsingModuleProvider.create(...).

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    public class UnbluMobileCoBrowsingModuleProvider
  • An object that represents an area of the screen that will be obscured during a mobile co-browsing session

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    public class UnbluMobileCoBrowsingPrivateArea