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Leveraging Unblu Branch to deliver a full network of hybrid branches across Switzerland

In 2017, Valiant Bank first began collaborating with Unblu. The aim was to find a solution to adjust to the decrease of In-Branch human assisted transactions (-35% between 2014 and 2017) without closing branches. 

What you will learn

  • Understand how Valiant went from reducing branch opening hours, considering branch closure to increasing service hours and expanding the branch network to new regions in Switzerland. 
  • Discover key metrics around reducing branch capex/opex as well as revenue increases 
  • Understand how Unblu Branch can support your next branch strategy

Ensuring a smooth digital migration

Crédit Agricole next bank (Suisse) identified and anticipated potential areas of friction in their customer journey when planning to migrate to a new e-banking environment. By partnering with Unblu, they managed to maintain a smooth experience throughout their client onboarding.

Digital banking, done right

How to level up your digital customer experience in a branchless world No relationship can thrive without trust – and yet that’s exactly what’s missing in today’s challenging digital banking landscape. What do your customers think about you? Rebuild customer.

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