accessThe API key to use. This is a mandatory configuration.
You can retrieve API keys from the Account Configuration interface.
This requires the ADMIN
user role.
entryThe public path used with serverUrl to connect to Unblu.
If not set, '/unblu' is used.
initThe timeout in milliseconds for the Unblu integration to load.
30'000 (30 seconds)
localeThe locale to use for all Unblu translation texts.
If not set, the browser's locale will be used.
namedThe named area to be used. The named area determines the queue that conversation requests go to, the agent availability, and the configuration.
If not set, the named area specified in the HTML meta
element named unblu:named-area
is used.
If no such element is present, the named area associated with the current domain is used.
serverThe URL of the Unblu server to connect to.
If not set, the domain of the current page is used.
The access token used to log the user in before initializing Unblu.