Video Chat Setup

Unblu allows video chat during sessions using webRTC-based video provider TokBox.

Video Requirements

See Video Requirements.

Video Configuration

In order to enable video chat on the unblu server you must first retrieve a video API key and secret from the unblu delivery center and configure it. You should have the video API key and secret before performing the following steps.

  1. In the Agent Desk go to Settings... Settings then, in the Filter field enter the word 'video'. A single item, Enable video chat displays. (You must select this to enable video but here we want first to apply the API key and secret before enabling video.)

  2. Select the Advanced button (further options drop-down) then select the Show Internal check box. Now all available items display.

  3. Paste the APIKey into the apiKey field and paste the secret into the apiSecret field then select the Save button. The product is now enabled for video. (Although some further configuration is required to apply options from the table below.)
  4. Select the Enable video chat com.unblu.cobrowsing.videoChatEnabled property.
  5. Select all other options as you require:
Item Technical label / Link Description
All participants must approve the use of video during the session.
Enable video chat
Switch video chat on/off.
Archive the video automatically.
Enable Agent to take snapshots of the video stream.
Show the video in a popout window.
Enable visitor to take snapshots.
Set the resolution (1280x720) (640x480) (320x240).

Video Configuration On Premises

If you are using video chat with an unblu on premises installation, you need to make sure that the collaboration server is able to connect to If the collaboration server must use a forward proxy in order to reach the site, please configure it, as follows, directly in your config properties file.

Technical label / Link Description Definition of the proxy type (only http supported at the moment), username, password, proxy hostname and proxy port in the following format: http:[<username>:<password>@]<host>:<port>. If your proxy does not require authentication, you can skip the username/password part and the succeeding '@' char.
Example The authentication schema to use. Supported values are BASIC, DIGEST, NTLM, KERBEROS and SPNEGO

Video Recording and Archiving

Enabling Video Recording

Video recording may be enabled by activating the flag.

Note: Before video can be fully enabled there are some steps that can only be performed by the unblu delivery team. See Configuring the Archiving Destination.

In order to enable video recording the configuration item has to be set to either ROUTED or AUTO. When activated, all video sessions will automatically be recorded and archived.

Note: While you are in a video chat session you can tell that it is being recorded by the red dot that appears on the left side of your video / audio feed in the video-chat UI.

Configuring the Archiving Destination

In order to fully activate video recording a custom Amazon s3 bucket or Windows Azure container must be configured by the unblu delivery team.

The details and credentials of the archiving destination must be provided and managed by the customer.

Finding the Right Video Chat Archive

To find a video archive for a specific unblu session the following steps must be performed:

  1. Get the unblu session ID you are looking for (from the logs or statistics).
  2. Get the video chat session ID that maps to the unblu session id:
    • via the statistics REST API calling: statistics.
    • via the UI using CSV export: Go to Statistics, press the more options button then enter the session id in the Session ID field. Export the result using the Export data button.
  3. Go to your video archiving destination and find the file with the video chat session ID as name.

Note: There are a number of ways of configuring your video archiving destination which you can discuss with our representatives.

Video Popout

When a video chat session is running, the act of the visitor navigating the page can cause the video to stutter. This problem can be sidestepped by providing a popout for the video. The user can then navigate the page without affecting the video performance.

Note: Even if your video is fine, using the popout means more 'real estate' is available for viewing the web page.

Note: Video chat requires 'visitor approval' (the visitor will be asked if it is okay to enable video chat).

To enable the video chat popout feature:

  1. Go to Settings at the role level where you wish to configure the video popout feature.

  2. Select the Advanced button then type the word 'video' into the Filter field. All available video configuration items display

  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page then select the autoPopoutOnVideoChat check box.

  4. Select Save when you are done configuring the visitor popout.

Video Chat in Action

To test your video chat setup, you need to create a video chat session. Have a look in the video chat section of the user guide in order to see how that works.

Video Chat Limitations

  • If the visitor navigates to a new page inside the unblu instrumented web page the video connection will be disrupted during the page load and will automatically re-establish a connection as soon as possible. To overcome this problem the visitor can use the Popout Feature.
  • The video chat can only be displayed in one window / tab. If the visitor has several tabs / windows open that belong to the same unblu session, the video chat will stay in one window. If the user wants to transfer the video chat to a different window he can do this in the chat user interface.
  • Currently, only 2 concurrent video chat participants are supported.
  • deploycloud
  • deployonprem

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