
While the Agent Monitor lets you see what is currently happening across your teams and users, the Statistics feature allows you to see what has already happened and has been logged. Registered users can only see their own data. Supervisors can see all team data, as can Admin users.

In the main menu select Statistics. The Statistics page displays.

Statistical Tools

Display Range

Allows you to define the dates of the activities you wish to examine. Default options are as in the picture below.

The custom range can be defined using the two fields From (date) and To (date)


Use this to narrow your search. You can quite literally find anything on the page. More obvious examples would be to search for a name or a team but you can also search for a particular time (e.g., 10:15) or PIN or type or chat or even a part of a word or number. Indeed, anything you see, or imagine might be, on the page, can be searched using the Filter field.

Sort by

There are seven options with which you can sort entries on the page.

Note that sorting by Response time (as in the picture above) returns a list (drawn from the time period you set in the Display Range drop-down list) that runs from the fastest to the slowest responses. You can use a combination of filtering and sorting to hone-in on the information relevant to you. For example, within a given time range (set in Display Range) you could use the sort by Duration, filtering on an agent’s name to find out how long that agent spends on each session. Or substitute Duration for Response Time to see how long that agent (or indeed team; by entering the team name in the Filter field) takes to answer a request for a session. There are many combinatorial possibilities to explore and your business needs and desires will lead the way you use these features

Note: Sessions that are initiated using a PIN have no response time recorded. Currently, when you use filters to generate a list of response times the first entries may be ‘PIN’ sessions that record no response time. In order to see the results you want simply scroll down until you get to the results of all recorded sessions ordered from fastest (at the top of the list) to slowest (at the bottom of the list).

More Options

Select the more options button to access three more filters:

  • Agents: Filter by agent.
  • Time zone: Set your time zone, then select the save as my default button.
  • Session ID: Filter by session id.

Export data

If examining the Statistics on-the-fly is not enough, you can export the data to a CSV file. Exporting to a csv file also uses the time range specified during the export. In fact, two files are generated and zipped:



To generate the files, in the Statistics page click the Export Data button.

Session Log

The session-log.csv file contains data for one session per line with comma-separated values. For fields that may contain no value, such as 'Ratings' or 'Video Archive Ids', a dash '-' is used to denote no value. For fields that may contain a list of values, such as Agents, Teams, Visitors, Ratings or Video Archive Ids, individual entries are separated with a semicolon.

The following fields are available in the csv file:

Session Id Start Time End Time Duration [s] Entry URL Exit URL Type Agent Join Time [s] Termination Reason Agents Teams Visitors Ratings Video Archive Ids

Chat Log

The chat-log.csv file contains all chat messages from all sessions with one chat message log entry per line. The following comma-separated fields are used per line:

Session Id Message Id Timestamp Message Number Sender Name Message

Drilling down into the Statistics

If you want to look at a particular session click on a ‘session’ on the Statistics page. (See the picture above for an example of a single session on the Statistics page.) The Session Log modal page slides in from the right.

This means you can analyze right down to the single session level and either share the information by mail or export to a text file. (See picture below.)

Note that the ‘Zoe Zeller’ item says ‘no rating’. This is a record of the rating the visitor gave at the end of the session (1-5 stars). ‘No rating’ should probably be ignored but anything above that can be a useful tool to gauge how agents are perceived to have performed (by visitors) during each individual session.

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