Defining the Appropriate Architecture

Architecture without the Filter


This diagram shows a minimal installation of unblu in a corporate IT infrastructure without a reverse proxy (and no filter). While this setup would give you secure co-browsing there would be no dynamic injection of the snippet, making your system less efficient than it might otherwise be. And with no video/audio service defined, your agents would not be able to talk to visitors face-to-face.

Architecture with the Filter

This diagram shows the architecture with a reverse proxy and the filter. In this case you have reduced network overhead as the snippet only runs when a session is started, thus saving precious resources. This design also provides you with Resource History data and in-context sessions, as well as general advantages regarding security.

Architecture with the Rendering Service

This diagram outlines the architecture with the reverse proxy, the filter, and the rendering service all deployed. The Rendering Service enables document sharing.

Architecture with Video

This is a pictorial representation of the architecture with the tokbox video and audio chat deployed. See Video and Audio Requirements for more on the video/audio chat feature.

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