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Primary research shows: Co-Browsing delivers strong ROI


After a year of operation, a leading European Bank reported exceptional operational impact generated through the use of Unblu co-browsing.

The bank measured the operational impact of co-browsing covering roughly 30.000 customer interaction sessions. The bank runs up to 500 co-browsing sessions per day and experienced a service availability in excess of 99%. Only in the case of less than 1% of customer calls, a session could not be run due to browser compatibility issues.

Thanks to Unblu co-browsing, the cost of an inbound customer call was cut by 25%. Compared to a chat interaction, the cost of a co-browsing session is less than half – due to the expediency of the joint view of the clients browser. What’s more is client satisfaction: The bank´s net promoter score increased significantly as clients unanimously report an excellent service experience.

If you want to know more about the differences between co-browsing and screen-sharing follow the link.