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How to develop a truly digital customer-centric financial organization


COVID-19 accelerated the digitization of customer service with financial providers hurrying to replace face-to-face meetings with new digital tools. In this rush, the needs of the customer have frequently been forgotten. Yet a rise in new and disruptive competitors within the industry means financial providers need to re-evaluate their offerings if they are to stand out, ensuring they are delivering a truly customer-centric experience.

A customer-centric experience is one that delivers and builds trust and loyalty. Even in the face of exponential technological advances, these traditional values continue to be essential. Trust is imperative where finances are concerned and it’s only by securing this trust that financial organizations can start to build loyalty—which is just as important as attracting new customers.

By harnessing the best of technology to enhance humans’ natural capacity for connection, financial organizations can multiply opportunities for meaningful conversations. They can create a flexible omnichannel experience where customers have a choice about how they communicate with their bank, as part of a seamless journey that incorporates different digital tools. This, in turn, will allow them to build and maintain loyalty and trust.

Conversations that mean something

Human conversations are not just about getting things done—or getting them done quickly. They are about establishing connection, building a relationship, and creating a positive impression—one that endures even after the conversation is over. Digital solutions like Unblu’s platform of conversational banking tools allow providers to bring this personal touch to their exchanges with customers, leveraging each “moment of truth” to prove their value and ensuring the conversation is both meaningful and productive.

Opting for an omnichannel experience

Customers want choice. They want to communicate with their provider in the way that best suits them at that particular moment, whether that’s texting on the go or opting for a video call when coming into branch isn’t possible. An omnichannel service integrates different communication channels—both online and offline, human and high-tech. This enhanced flexibility offers a new level of convenience to the customer as well as bridging the gap between self-service solutions like chatbots and more traditional means of communicating.

A seamless journey from start to finish

An omnichannel service that offers choice and flexibility is not much good if these different channels aren’t part of a single seamless journey. Different tools need to be integrated into a smooth and uninterrupted experience where the customer can transition from one touchpoint to another—from a chatbot to a video call with an advisor, for example, maybe even incorporating co-browsing too—without having to share their details each time or repeatedly update different advisors as to their problem.

Trust: the cornerstone of all customer service

If a customer is going to allow you to manage their finances, they need to trust you. This means they need to feel that you are putting their needs first. Providers can prove their customer-centricity by providing guidance and help that feels personal, relevant, and specific to the customer’s unique needs, schedule, and desires. This level of personalization boosts customer satisfaction, which, in turn, makes them more likely to stick with their provider, increasing brand loyalty and therefore conversions and sales.

Humanize your Digital Customer Service whitepaper

What does it really mean to offer a customer-centric service? Life is becoming increasingly digital. How does this impact the way we connect and communicate? How can we create a customer service that is both efficient and convenient but also acknowledges the importance of personalization and empathy? Download our free whitepaper to discover how to humanize the customer experience.