Talk to Bruce


Keep on top of all customer communications

Empower your agents to better manage new and ongoing customer interactions for an efficient service experience.

  • Form a queue

    Inbound requests are automatically added to a queue until agents are ready to pick it up. 

  • Manage your Inbox

    Understand context and manage ongoing conversations in sections with the easy-view inbox.

  • Schedule meetings

    Securely schedule meetings with customers or clients, who will receive an invitation with all necessary information.

Find the right words. Instantly

What difference do a couple of seconds make? On average, people lose 2 seconds of work per minute by using their mouse instead of keyboard shortcuts. That’s 8 days of work a year.

Unblu saves the seconds that quickly become minutes by:

  • Providing quick answers with canned responses.
  • Speeding up complex answers with configurable placeholders.
  • Up to 16 placeholders to sustain complex sentences
  • Presorted by language to match each conversation
  • Easily accessible by any agent


Unblu empowers your agents with configurable shortcuts to speed up navigation

Proactive compliance

Full control

Unblu empowers you to decide when a conversation recording begins. Each conversation layer can be recorded and shared with the financial institution and the customer.

Recording hub

Conversations are stored as MP4 files and are only available to authorized users. Each record is kept in a secure database or directly retrieved through an S3 bucket.

Are you an Unblu admin?

  • Account settings
    Define global settings

    Full control at the touch of a button, from layout, languages, and use cases, to canned responses, field masking, and more.

  • Account settings
    Create users and teams

    Organize your agents into different teams based on skills, language, experience, or even location.

  • Account settings
    Configure domains

    Where will you run Unblu? It’s entirely up to you – create and manage the snippets easily. 

  • Account settings
  • Account settings
  • Account settings

See Unblu in action